A little boo, a little yay

Sep 14, 2013 20:44

Ignoring the travel hell and illnesses from last week, it was a weird ass week.

Work was frustrating but verry interesting. There's a six-month vacancy in the Birmingham office, and I've had two emails and a phone call from my boss, T asking me if I've applied for it. I have and now i'm sitting, waiting and trying not to hope that its a done deal and the job is mine purely for having applied.

I also have a shopping list of things that need improving, processes that need tweaking, things the payables function need to be doing. Got a meeting with T to discuss them on Monday, then there's a divisional meeting on Thursday. *gulps*

In less fun news, my laptop, my 9 month old laptop Stevie is doing a wonderful impression of a dodo. She keeps crashing then "repairing disk errors" which she's doing at the moment, so I'm gonna attempt to do a windows reset, rescue my files then take her back to the shop and be very unimpressed with them! *grumps*

So this evening finds me using my WORK laptop to... um...*mumbles* play Farmville and I'm watching Castle S2 on Netflix through my Wii.

tv, work, computer

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