I successfully achieved everything on my to-do list this evening... admittedly it was only updating my recipe website and finish the book I was reading but feeling accomplished regardless! :D
I posted, backdated, all my recipes from here to
my cooking website - and I found it very telling that I basically didn't cook anything from mid-Feb to when I moved back here. But lately, the last couple weeks, I've started cooking again, started experimenting in the kitchen. I'd forgotten how much I love cooking, how excited I get about trying new things and I'm thrilled to be having that passion back.
I mean, it still completely rankles me that I'm 32 in about 40 days and back living at my mum's house, but considering I was suicidal, homeless and unemployed... 6 weeks later back here and I'm doing a lot better. I'm employed, I will have money next week and my meds are starting to kick in - that's another post in and of itself - but yes, moving back, staying here a while (rest of the year?) and getting my feet back under me was the best thing I could have done.
I've started reading again too. Not quite the 3 hours a day I was managing on the bus but I'm picking books up again and losing myself in fictional worlds. I just finished the first of the Torchwood novels Another Life, and have picked up Kelley Armstrong's Industrial Magic.
I've also just made a 'books read in 2013' post which you can see
here And now I'm curled up in my nest, eating those wonderful raspberry chocolate brownies I made at the weekend and watching a 1996 Jon Bon Jovi movie 'The Leading Man'