The Sunday Wibble-A-Thon

Jun 02, 2013 09:56

Sleep and I were not friends last night, typical really since it's gonna be a long-ass day today. I pick Dragon up at like 12:30, we bum around until the gig, then because I'm insane I'm driving her back to bloody London afterwards *headdesk*
It was just one of those nights where I couldn't get comfortable and no matter how I laid, something was throbbing or aching, usually one of my hips. Ugh. Stupid body.

Gonna have a nice warm bath in a minute, see if that helps with the achy, then pop over the corner shop before I head into Brum and stock up on cheap energy drinks

I wonder how insane y'all would think I am if you realised it takes on average 45 minutes to put together a wibble-a-thon...

christian kane, the sunday wibble-a-thon, grace park, louise brealey, jensen ackles, sleep, alyson hannigan, eliza dushku, brian nutter, billie piper, riley smith, steve carlson, queen latifah, elisha cuthbert, jared padalecki, harrison ford

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