But.. it's Monday

Apr 08, 2013 06:35

There's something really not right here. It's 06:35, I'm up, I've made my porridge, I've made my pack-up for work. I'm just eating said porridge and then I'll be jumping in the shower. I'm never normally this with it of a morning, especially a Monday. When I know I've got more training...

Other good, but unexpected, happenings lately include the return of my muse. You have have noticed the 3 fics within the last 10 days? Yeah, well there's another in beta and now I'm just discussing with the muse whether we're writing Steve/Riley or Jonah/Steve next. And I'm working on fixing the problems with the girl!stevie fic. It's all go if your name is Bob!, it would seem.

I do however, need to go make me clean so I can catch my bus. My porridge is all nommed so shower time. I shall leave you with

nicholas brendon, fanfiction, life, the morning wibble, alyson hannigan

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