Sweep it underneath the rug

Oct 12, 2012 18:55

It's been a really really fuckin' long week and it doesn't just seem to be me it’s dragging for, which is equal parts relieving and worrying. It's not been a bad week, just really really LONG.

Work wise, I'm getting a lot done.

I've combined my love of to-do lists with the Outlook task list… even though I do the same things in the same order every day, there's just that little boost of accomplishment from seeing things crossed off.

I'm on top of invoices, statements and queries. Again, it's a good feeling, even though I know it’s only because it’s the beginning of the month and there's not much coming in. I'm trying not to think about the hoo-hah regarding company cash flow, even though its threatening to stress me out because of course it impacts on my job/ability to pay my suppliers.

As for the staffing levels… One of our management accountants resigned yesterday. When I started a few months ago, we had three accountants. Now we have one. The turnover here is kind of ridiculous, to be honest.

But anyway.

I had a… um… slight paddy at IT Wednesday as well. My computer system's always been slow and temperamental, but Wednesday morning after it kicked me out three times in twenty minutes, I kind of got cranky. The lovely D from IT came and poked at my computer, frowned, upgraded a few things, did something to the network adaptor and gave me some shiny new cables. OMG THE SPEED. It's amazing. *loves it*

I was also told yesterday that I sound 'dead posh' on the phone, which lead to everyone else agreeing that I have a good phone manner and sound very professional on the phone. I did preen. A lot.
(I'm not even going to comment on the lack of phone manner/customer service skills I hear in this place. *cringes*)

I've not heard back from the job I interviewed for in Preston last week. I rang them yesterday - no reply but I left a voicemail. Still heard nothing so I'm going with the assumption I did not get the job. This makes me sad because I really wanted that one :(

I'm busy applying to… pretty much every job I can find in Lancaster/Preston/Blackpool though and its paying off. I've got two interviews on Tuesday - sales admin for a car dealership and purchase ledger for a manufacturing company. Fingers crossed for both of those!

Healthwise, I'm getting there again.

I'm definitely stabilising emotionally after forgetting my meds. I'm still tired and lacking energy but I'm definitely a lot more balanced. I haven't randomly burst into tears for no reason in almost two days now!

The cold wet weather that seems to be settling in is playing havok with my joints - but then that's par for the course this time of year. It feels like I'm aching everywhere. But at least there's no random new aches - it's just the usual suspects; hips, knees, wrists, shoulder and elbows. So that's good, if nothing else.

It's a good job really, considering the fuck ups of the last couple days.

Last night I discovered the hard way that not all my family know my sexual orientation. I posted on facebook "in support of #nationalcomingoutday, I'm proud to say I'm gay and if anyone doesn't like it… that's your problem" only to realise a heartbeat later after a comment from my nephew and a couple old school friends that I'd posted it on my RL facebook account. *headdesk* It's not that it's ever been some kind of ~secret, I've just never felt the need to turn round and shout from the rooftops about it, y'know?

Then there was a lovely case of identity fraud I had to deal with this morning. Had an email through from a credit card company welcoming me to my new online account. Huh, interesting, since I've not applied for any cards. Google their customer service number and it turns out someone had applied for a card using my name/email address, but none of my other details. Account has been blocked, I've just got to fill in some paperwork and that'll be that.
I'm assuming that someone with the same name as me with a similar email address made a typo but passwords have all been changed just to be on the safe side.
Because you know what? If they managed to get credit using my details, I'd be really impressed because my credit score is… uhh… lacking LMAO

I think this is enough words for one post so I'm going to go curl up in my fandom happy place and ignore the annoying fanthings who think they know/own/are bffs with Rileycelebrity-tye-people!

money, interview, work, sexuality, health, family, life, fandom, depression

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