No, this isn't a post about books. Honest.

May 09, 2012 18:57

I've had a couple of very lazy evenings, where I've just curled up in bed, played Ravenskye City and read. I've completely ignored all the stuff that needs doing, everything that needs unpacking and organising and I tell you, I feel so much better for it, mentally and physically. Recharged, reenergised and ready to tackle... everything. The last of the books, the pile of clothing in the chair, the paperwork, the two boxes full of 'other stuff'. I'm even looking forward to coming in tomorrow night and getting on with it, so yay.

I love the nest I can make in my new bed. I also have no idea why I call it a nest - I have done for years though. But yes, six pillows and three cushions. And my duvet. If I need it (which I don't right now cos,y'know, nice weather for once), I also have a blanket and a slankie. Epic snuggles, right? *grins* Mostly I'm found curled around a couple pillows but mmm I do rather loves it!
Even if I am still having the 'I'd like to have someone to snuggle' kinda lonely feels *sigh*

But anyways!

Ravenskye City's been my favourite Facebook game for a while now. It's very similar to your farmville/pioneer trail kind of games but a lot less glitchy and a lot... idk... less pressured, somehow. There isn't a new mission every day, there isn't random new farms etc
I'm also loving the sudden influx of Hidden Object Games. I mean, I love HOGs to start with but now I can play them on Facebook? WIN!
I do need to start parseing down the number of games I'm playing again though!
note to self: get the month so far's worth of games from bigfish!

I acquired an ebook copy of that Fifty Shades of Grey, mostly just to see what all the fuss was about. I have to say, I'm not seeing all the hype. I'm finding the prose to be hilariously purple 'his voice was warm like melted chocolate fudge caramel... or something', the characters wooden and unbelievable... yeah, kinda shitty. If a Twilight fanfic with the names changed is the 'book everyone is talking about' and 'the bestselling Mommy Porn' then... well.. I'm glad I'm not everyone.
It's like a trainwreck in book format. Although, I have a morbid curiousity about what the BDSM scenes are going to be like. I suspect they'll be awful awful fangirl bondage though... and yes, I do have a 'real' BDSM novel on standby!

home, house, facebook, books, games

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