
Jan 24, 2012 07:52

You know those days where you just ache, you're exhausted and your brain is all foggy? I had one of those days yesterday. I'd had all these plans of, when I got in from work, sorting laundry and changing my bedding but by the time I'd cooked and done the dishes I was completely shattered.

It took me four trips up and down the stairs to remember what i went down there to get. 12 hours later, I realise the one thing I'd actually meant to do downstairs I did't. I forgot to put my leftovers in the fridge, which means I have no lunch today.

I was doing stupid little things at work all day as well. I'd pick up the phone handset, and dial the number using the keyboard or i'd dial someone's account number rather than their telephone number and get all confused when it didnt connect. I'd forget people's names, lose track of what I was saying half way through a conversation, words and numbers were coming out jumbled.
Ugh, I say

I passed out around 10:30 last night, waking up at 07:30 this morning. I think I could probably roll over and sleep til 07:30 tomorrow morning, to be honest. But no, I will caffeinate and take myself to work. Just gotta find the energy to shower...

claire danes, the morning wibble, work, joel madden, billy martin, health, deano butterworth, benji madden

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