I think today I'm basically going to ignore my to-do list. I'm exhausted after yesterday - physically and emotionally and think I need a duvet day. A duvet morning if nothing else. I want to stay in bed, eat pizza, drink pepsi and catch up on TV shows cos I'm about 3 weeks behind on everything. There'll also be writing involved cos I'm now 614 words into the angst bingo 'betrayal' prompt. I'm still not really sure what's going on... Christian is angry, hurting and breaking my heart into itty bitty pieces *sniffles*
Basically, today looks a little like:
get out of bed, washed and dressed
remember to eat x3
remember to drink/not get dehydrated
update playlists
apply for more jobs
go for a wobble around the block for fresh air/exercise
download Fairly Legal,
catch up on all TV watching cos I'm about 3 weeks behind on all shows