From Twitter 11-30-2010

Dec 01, 2010 02:01

  • 03:01:15: From Twitter 11-29-2010
  • 08:06:58: *yawns and stretches* mornin twitter
  • 08:24:03: REAAAALLLY not looking forward to the drive to work in the snow :(
  • 09:13:56: You may receive some much-needed support from others at work t... More for Leo
  • 10:04:46: made it safely to work with both her and Lotte in one piece... and a skid across the carpark!
  • 10:09:13: *grins* and now my picture with Christian & Steve is propped up under my monitor giving happy thoughts :D
  • 11:10:39: ok thats the Hilton book for A6, now to book the Raddison for T3! :D
  • 11:33:00: in the last two days, I have booked hotel rooms worth £540. Thank fuck I ain't gotta pay until May/June next year!
  • 11:49:12: It looks like late evening... wow. *finds you a spotlight* (@cyphersushi)
  • 13:44:40: The Story Of Steve's Willy
  • 15:50:59: d'you think summoning spells work on a production manager who authorisation signature you need to pay invoices?
  • 17:23:08: no, really M, I'm SO interested in hearing all about your period and how long it took for the blood flow to really start. *pulls face*
  • 17:35:18: fuck me but i hurt *cries* wrists, elbows, knees, hips and shoulders. am going to attempt to get docs appt this week
  • 19:44:10: fucking hell but my internet is shit tonight. it's taken 5 and a half minutes to sign into gmail... fucking snow
  • 19:52:33: I opened Word to write S/C g-rated h/c fic... how is it I'm writing S/C/R NC-17 pwp instead?
  • 20:01:28: Dying Ain't Much Of A Living
  • 20:04:25: The Tuesday Evening Wibble
  • 20:30:20: 1356 words and then I stall... DAMNIT
  • 21:06:28: 1402 and calling it a night on writing. too fucking cold to concentrate :(
  • 21:09:35: i think s telling r he wants to watch him to fuck c is a good place to finish for the night
  • 21:17:44: dear twitter. i appear to have broken @havenward. my apologies
  • 21:20:59: Season 3, Episode 12: The Coming Of Arthur, Part I (And yes, my brain went there. I know yours did t... (Merlin (BBC))
  • 21:28:19: Bob! seems to have ADHD tonight... he's also muttering about JDM spanking Riley. and Boreanaz choking Kane
  • 21:58:15: Just took "What is your REAL name?" and got: Peggy, if female, Chuck, if male! Try it ➔
  • 22:20:13: RPS, Chris/Steve, there are no words
  • 22:35:55: Season 8, Episode 8: Enemies Foreign (watching NCIS S08E08 via @gomiso)
  • 22:38:41: and, since it took longer for my fucking internet to let me check in than it did to watch 8x08, we're now mo... (NCIS)

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