Oct 27, 2010 03:01
- 03:01:17: From Twitter 10-25-2010 http://j.mp/avgPET
- 06:58:26: RT @OMGFactsSex: The more orgasms you have, the longer you're likely to live, according to special research from the British Medical Jou ...
- 07:15:13: The Morning Wibble http://j.mp/c4AQnX
- 07:24:52: http://fuckyeahrileysmith.tumblr.com/post/1263301590/i-pick-you i'm saying nothing but giggling hysterically
- 08:14:54: Your social calendar is overflowing now and you may no longer ... More for Leo http://twittascope.com/?sign=5
- 09:06:21: ok. am at work. still no work. have two invoices to last until 5pm. um...
- 09:10:55: RT @charliekiss: Hi @VodafoneUK, would you mind paying your tax, then perhaps the government would have the money for disabled people's ...
- 10:00:33: A random disjointed rambling post of rambling http://j.mp/a9ojX0
- 11:04:15: still shredding. legs fucking killing me. fuck this for a lark
- 12:20:59: which bit of 'I CANT STAND UP, IT HURTS' are you struggilng to comprehend?
- 13:05:02: ah. lunch. chicken salad sandwich. nom
- 13:20:53: have some pretty: His hair was coming loose from its tie; strands sticking against his forehead, his cheeks and his throat and neck.
- 14:16:02: dear s, please stop watching and get to fucking your boy before he dies of blue balls kthnx
- 15:38:19: dear work. i have porn to be writing. no, i dont want to be doing expenses claims!
- 16:23:49: hehe so, two of the uk TTs are #actorsthatsoundlikepornstars and #porntitlenames *giggles*
- 16:49:03: fic finished. shal be sending to @ Celtprincess13 when i get home! :D
- 18:32:30: gah that traffic this evening was EEEEVVVIIIIIIIL right, then. now its time for porn.
- 19:23:14: still cranky and snappy. llama go grrsmash
- 19:31:28: if my nano synopsis is anything to go by, i shall be able to ramble this fic quite nicely! ;) http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/640467
- 19:47:25: What Miniature Chocolate Bar Are You? - http://tinyurl.com/248v5kj - You Are a Milk Chocolate Bar #blogthings
- 20:08:32: help! @ lucdarling seems to be trying to drown me!
- 21:22:15: fic back from beta. oh god there's a lot of red *covers face*
- 21:57:02: Why do you hate Sebastian from Little Mermaid? - He just creeps me the hell out. I don't know why but *shudders* O… http://4ms.me/b86DVk
- 22:03:07: FIC: How He Needs To Be Touched http://j.mp/aPQ2Xi
- 22:22:59: FIC: How He Needs To Be Touched http://j.mp/dsnCZN
- 22:29:41: FIC: How He Needs To Be Touched http://j.mp/chT5fQ
- 22:31:49: FIC: How He Needs To Be Touched http://j.mp/bjpECf
- 22:34:43: fix xposted. hiding now.
- 22:42:25: Incredible footage inside a tornado Video - Yahoo! News UK http://goo.gl/Jz83
- 23:54:36: what's your favourite location within 10 miles of your… - Blists Hill - the open air victorian village museum I … http://4ms.me/9hOOei
- 23:54:45: If you had to cook dinner for someone tonight, what would you make? - um... take out? http://4ms.me/dewCTK
- 23:55:02: What was the worst movie you've ever seen? - Spiderman or LotR - walked out of both of them bored out of my skull http://4ms.me/a9QSce
- 23:55:38: Who was your first crush? - my first celebrity crush was Jason Donovan. My first non-celeb crush was oh god his na… http://4ms.me/dumGFR
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