is there anybody out there?

Apr 11, 2010 12:41

*taps on microphone and peers out into the darkness* So, is there anybody out there?

After not being able to see my LJ or my flist or anything for days, I changed my layout as suggested by wenchpixie. That... kinda worked. I could then view it intermittently. Starting yesterday though, it seemed to be working fairly constantly and this morning I've put my layout back up again. Although I have updated the sidebar and the about me. And added my pic with Chris *grins*

Yesterday, however, ended up being... a moot point. I worked four really long, slow shitty hours, then came home and went to sleep. For the whole afternoon. Mum woke me up half hour before Doctor Who to have something to eat. I watched Who. Felt like crap with a thumpy head and puking so went back to bed, at like 8pm and slept straight through to like 07:30 this morning. Took me two attempts to wake up though, the first time left me feeling really fuzzy and I dozed off again, waking up about 40 minutes later and feeling much more llama like.

So far this morning, I've had a bath, dinner is almost ready and my bed is stripped. My window and door are open, airing my room. All the windows are open. It's lovely and warm and sunny. 54F.
God I love spring

life, livejournal, health

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