Gets My Goat (Prompted Writing One)

Oct 06, 2009 21:01

"Who gets your goat most?  They say everyone has a nemesis--that one person in your life who is everything bad that you are not.  Write about your nemesis, be it a real person or one you invent."

I think there isn't one person in my life I've been consistently at odds with. There have been enemies, but they always come and go I have found, the people closest to me are the ones that I find are most capable of hurting me. Bullies have come and gone- and they hurt me in the past, but i think 'nemesis' implies a more permaneant rivalry. Anyone who has an actual nemesis has some sort of problem- either they are consistently hurting someone else or consistently allowing someone to hurt them.

My family and my mate I guess could in part be considered  my worst enemies, out of any one outsider, they have hurt me the most. This is a given, if you allow love for anyone you also allow for fear and resentment, it's a part of life. Giving yourself to someone shows them your weakness, and sometimes they take advantage of that.

I have had many bullies- I remember some of their names

Sam, Julien, Brandon, Sumit, Jacky, Kiara...

Kiara was the worst of these because she was similarily personal, she had been my friend before and somewhere along the line had decided pointedly to hate me. She tried to seperate me from my friends, and my friends failed to defend me, she out of all of them probably caused the most damage to me, but still

It's really not that big of a deal anymore. It's not that the bullying did not affect me- that itself over years and years has surely developed parts of my personality- but the people themselves, they go in and out.

Bullies are not only a childhood institution but they tend to be more prevalent in schools- why? Because we are  held captive there, expected to grow and change in the public eye It is all we know, we are forced to care.

Now that I feel I'm growing up, when people are nasty to me, I am upset, but not for long. I've learned that people who upset me and then float out of my life do not matter. They don't have a lasting affect.

reflection school bullying enemies

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