SPN/J2 Big Bang Delicious account

Sep 09, 2009 01:58

Good day to everyone.

So I manned up and finally did it. This SPN/J2 Big Bang Delicious account is a product of my inner librarian's tendency to hoard everything and categorize it to death. My only hope is that it'll be useful to somebody.

Creating of the account was sanctioned by the mods of this wonderful community, who also helped to work the tag system out, so you might say that it's quite an official business. As it's official - or trying to be - it needs to be convenient and legitimated by all. Thus, before I give a link to the account I have to say a couple of words to everyone.

To the authors:

To be honest, bookmarking could have taken twice as short a time because frequently I had to pry myself with a crowbar from some extraordinarily interesting summaries. Thank you so much for creating all this temptation!

Fic post bookmarking is an arduous task, as I found out. I tried to include as much information in the bookmarks as I could, but it was not always as simple as it might sound (warning 'temporary.character.death' turned out to be quite popular in the end, to my endless amusement). I'll try to summarize what I've done. For every fic bookmark there should be tags from these groups: author, artist, fandom (spn and rpf), main genre (gen, het, slash), pairing, rating, word count, warning (optional), spoilers (optional), fic, and year. Some of the authors have included genres of other kind in their masterposts, e.g. angst, drama, au. I've put them in tags too. Some specified their genres with a theme of the fic, e.g. 'cyberpunk' and 'secret agents'. Those where included as well (there was no theme item in the masterpost template, and I ask you, dear authors, should there be?). If I got any of those wrong, please tell me, badesquisse, here or via PM, and I'll correct them as soon as possible.

To the artists:

In the course of my bookmarking of this year Big Bang I had to look at all the artists' post, and let me tell you guys, you are all amazing! There's not one piece of work that doesn't deserve praise and admiration.

Now technical aspects. There're two tags that I tried to attribute to every art post: 'media' and 'type' (there are also two that must be there without any doubt, 'art' and '2009' for art of this year). Some of artists indicated what media was used and what type of artwork they created in their posts, but some didn't. With both of those groups I might have made mistakes, so if you, artist, see any faults with your bookmark, please leave a comment here, or PM me, badesquisse. There are also tags 'spoilers:for.the.story' and 'warning:nsfw' that I tried to include where necessary, but I might have missed them somewhere too. So, if your art post needs one of those tags, and it's not there, please tell me!

To all:

Dear future account users, if you find any typos or blatantly obvious mistakes, I implore you to inform me of them. If you have any suggestions or complaints, tell me about them. Comment to this post or send a PM to me, badesquisse. Thank you.

At last here's SPN/J2 Big Bang on Delicious. I really hope that this will make the Big Bang experience more pleasant for at least some of you.


P.S. I haven't forgotten about previous years, they will be coming soon.

P.P.S. Now, do I have an overgrown list of things to do...
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