Nago...I certianly hope these claw marks on every piece of furniture in my manor are from ANOTHER cat and not you.
Meow!!! *sounds desperate for help*
I do hope you are ready for your punishment....Valkenhayn, Get the rope...
MEOW! *sounds of kitty paws sprinting away can be heard*
Yes, my lady. As you wish...
You will think twice before testing me
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[strike unhackable~]
Earned!? It's a living, breathing creature! What if you were punished every time you committed a "mistake"!? You're not god! You have no right to do that!
I know this isn't my fucking business, but I can't and won't ignore this when an innocent creature is getting hurt!
IT'S A GODDAMN CAT! Are you that stupid to comprehend a cat wouldn't be able to understand why you're abusing it, that it's fragile and will die if you abuse it too much!?
Now be a dear and go away. I am tired of you and your silly points of view.
Take a damn look at yourself first. I can recall you calling me names, too, you hypocrite.
...Inexperienced? Stop talking as if you know me. Now be a dear and stop abusing that cat or I might have to knock your lights out when school starts.
Again, look at yourself first; you abuse living creatures instead of just calling an adult to fix you're furniture or "using intelligence and words". You're nothing less of a barbarian than I am.
You're not a lady, you're a sadist. You're the kind of people that makes living in this world despicable.
Please do remember YOU contacted me. Next time, don't pry into others affairs and you can have one less thing to complain and moan about.
I have lost interest in you and this conversation is now over. Have a good day.
Oh, I'm merely acting like a police. You know, saving those in need from abuse.
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