Happy Chance

Aug 05, 2009 21:08

I am glad to say that I will be re-entering the work force tomorrow morning at 10 AM. And although I am being brought in as a temp, they have made it clear to me that not only are there a full 40 hours a week for me, but also that they fully intend to make me full time/permanent when they decide which of the 3 openings I would best fill. It is an office environment with regular business hours, leaving my weekends and evening (ostensibly) free.
The pay is decent, they also offer medical coverage, paid time off, all the bennies you would expect of a "real" job. I just hope that the standard my mother has set in the office is not too far out of my own reach. Most of the rest of the office believes that my mother hung the moon, and with three openings, they are pretty desperate for people, but desperately WANT someone as great as my mom.
I'm both excited and nervous to be going back to work. This will mean that very likely, Miss Thing will have to go into a day care environment sooner than I would have wanted, at least on a part time basis. But, for the next several days, anyway, I've got an available assortment of friends and family who either do not work, or work restaurant/retail hours, which regularly gives them weekdays off. And fortunately, enough people love my kid that they are willing to watch her on those off-days!

So immediately, my biggest concerns are making sure that I have at least a few items of office-appropriate clothing that fit me, and learning to NOT freak out in traffic, as this will officially be the longest commute that I have had in all my working life.

YAY!!! I'm so glad that my mom is awesome!
Wish me luck!
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