Sep 22, 2008 08:22
I am just so frustrated...and bored of being pregnant!!
Saturday night we went to a Braves game at Turner Field with Josh's mom and stepdad. It was KSU night, and students, alumni and their family and friends got discounted tickets and got to walk around the field before the game. The walk around the field, and the walk up to our seats made some really good, strong that even made me cry. I was hoping that the contractions would continue, but once we sat down, they immediately became weaker, and over the course of the 6 innings we stayed through, became more sporatic.
Yesterday, I went to my friend's baby shower. After gifts and cake, I beat a somewhat hasty retreat because I felt like I could have fallen asleep standing up. I got home and went straight upstairs where I read for a while and just tried to relax, but I started having some lower back pain. I put my book down and rolled onto my side and rocked with a pillow between my knees. The back pain turned into contractions, about 6-7 mintues apart, but they were weak, and I was able to doze on and off through them. I continued to have weak, if somewhat regular contractions throughout the evening, but they adamantly refused both to become stronger and more frequent. I finally took a tylenol PM and went to bed. However, throughout the night, I was awakened several times by incredibly strong contractions, but they were so far apart, I decided just to try to keep sleeping...if they became any more frequent, I certainly wouldn't be able to stay asleep! I awoke around 7:15 this morning...still no regular, strong contractions.
My next prenatal visit is tomorrow afternoon. Last week, the midwife I saw seemed pretty convinced that I would have my baby before my next appointment. I tried not to be too hopeful. Afterall, I've heard that before...but still, every day, I would wake up hoping that "today will be the day," and when it wasn't, I'd go to bed thinking "I'll wake up in labor sometime in the night," but neither came to pass.
So today, I'm going to put away the dishes, and clean up the family room, and sort and start the laundry and vacuum the stairs, and clear all the old junk mail off the table in the foyer, and empty the trash out of the bathrooms and the office, and dust and vacuum in the office and family room, and sweep the foyer and the kitchen, and maybe hang some stuff on the walls in Liam's bedroom and mine. And just generally do anything else that catches my attention as needing to get done. And maybe, by the end of the day, I'll have a clean(er) house, and I'll go play poker again tonight, and again announce that this will probably be my last night in attendance for a while...and hope that I'm right.