Jun 03, 2004 22:37
I am going to start running again
A kid in school today bet me that i couldn't run a mile in under 630...hehehe
(my best time for a mile is 530)
either way, cross country running has its perks
Try it sometime, all you people who don't read this
After about 2-3 miles, the pain stops, and the euphoria sets in
then the pain comes again, but hey...how can you pass up euphoria?
running leaves a lot of time for thinking too...yay thinking
Because Teddy thought his first date with Maria went well, so that he called her every day for the next week.
An actual sentance in my SAT II prep book...stupid people, using my name in such a bad sentance. Whats that you say?? Im supposed to fix the sentance? FUCK YOU