May 18, 2004 00:32

(stoic believers, NOT FOR YOU)

I just read Erin's ginormous entry, and i decided to share some stuff i think about from time to time...this is a quote from her entry.

Do people do things simply because they fear some higher power or did they create the higher power so people would have something to fear?

Choice B for me

People developped the higher power to answer the questions that couldnt be answered, and solve the mysteries that were fundamentally impossible. In the early days of Catholisism, God was ruthless and did not think twice about killing people who disobeyed him. Of course, he was still portrayed as fair and all knowing because...well...he's God. New Testament: 180 degrees..."compassionate savior" "GOD dies for the people, not the other way around" Change with the times, the need, the people. Develop a system of morals for everyone to live by, and teach through experience, not punishment. Hell, in genesis it was writtnen that God created land and sky as a dome between two vast oceans, one on top (hence blue skies) and one on the bottom...i guess we moved past that.

So here we have a system of morals that make sense, and everyone has something to fear and believe in to take their minds of death. Whats the next step? The cynics. While Catholisism is relatively new, there have been many others that spawned off of it. Lets take for example, Mormon. I recently read some entries from the all sacred and holy Book of Mormon (written in 1800-1850...AD) and it pretty much sums up its beliefs in the sacrifice of goats and pigs. There are also the jahova's (sp?) witnesses. Hey, they seem to make sense, right? No. The entire religion is based on a mispronounciation of the word Yahweh (Hebrew for God) There are two religions that thousands follow, but can be proven wrong in a heartbeat...makes you think. I heard on the radio today that it has been mathimatically proven that there is a 2/3 chance that God exists. MATH was used in dealing with a supernatural power...that just goes to show you that there are morons on both sides of the spectrum.

For those of you who i have offended, sorry, but don't read about the opinions of an atheist without expecting to get a little angry.

My beliefs summed up in a sentance. Religion is a way to answer the unanswerable, explain the unexplainable, and solve the unsolvable.

A.K.A...Lets make people more comfortable with death

So live life in the now. Hey, this could be the only one you have. BEsides, if we're wrong in the end, Thats what confession is for. Christians believe that if you live life like Jesus, it wont matter if you believe in him or not...your living his message. So follow your conscience, it is ALWAYS right.

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