Aug 30, 2003 17:58
Well as of lately i have been doing nothing but sleeping and going to work. my manager blew out his knee and is going in for surgury this thur. he is missing his acl in his knee. so i get the wonderful pleasure of running the department. so far i have goofed on a few things i have forgotten to place now twice already an order for supplies that we need. so i am haveing to call other stores to get the items we are missing. and i also didnt schedual enough people to work monday being labor day and all. oh well we'll be ok.
got yelled at by a customer today for telling one of my coworkers to stop talking so much and do more work.
whatever i dont even fucking care.
i have had to work six days this week and i am just exhausted. and my only off day this week was on tuesday, and my next off day is wed. this is going to suck ass really bad. but i just have to remind myself of how much money i will be making. i can hopefully get my car fix within the next six weeks. and then from there pay off some other bills that really need to get paid.
the one thing i am really greatfull for is that i am glade i got the chance to work with someone who is a floater,( he bounces from store to store) he was giving me some helpfull pointers and he just lifted my spirits yesterday when we were working together. and another person that i am thankfull for having the pleasure of working with is my cake decorator. she is such a wounderfull kind caring person, with an additude. i tell ya she doesnt take shit from no body. she will always find some way to cheer me up if i am haveing a bad day. and for that i am extreamly greatfull to her.
I think i have forgotten what it feels like to be rested and not stressed out. for the record i have yet to eat today, and i am extreamly tired. i think i have doen enough talking about work for one day.
seeings how peter is not around i need to get this out some other way.