Well.. my prediction is of truth... We have ice this evening... I went for a walk around 1:30.. after finishing up Clockwork Orange... fucking weird movie.. I love it... Scott couldn't stomach it... That man amuses me.. ...ANYHOO! Yes.. there is ice out there right now... and I expect there to be ALOT more by dawn... when the sun will come to warm the countryside..
Endeavor Ecumenical Fox.. WAS... suspended.. but took a unexpected turn with a chance encounter which had no hint of exception errors... This... intrigues me.. plus.. information gleaned upon study of I/O... intrigues me even further.. there is however.. still a Version Compatibility Error which worries me... and may be a fatal exception..
Schedule for next semester looks mightily of the Psych... and not so much of the CS... this is acceptable...
Hung out with Alex and Bob a bit... Bob... likes to get on a high horse a lot.. even when there is not call for it.. she just likes to get on a soap box and rant... Much angst in that girl... She has much maturing to do.. in my opinion... Though well known... I wonder how many can tolerate her... She makes it almost impossible to hold a coherent conversation... and her preconceived notions of the world, and of people.... much lacking.. much lacking...
Stone is engaged... though I already knew this before it happened.. as I spoke to him before he asked... It is pleasing to hear of... And I hear that Dan is moving back.. the OLD community is returning and re-establishing.. we need to make sure James comes back.... I tell ya...
Though I've been in a melancholy the last week... life is good...Doing well in school... got a job that pays.. and that I'm doing well in... Lots of friends.. and associates... Socially active... Life is indeed quite good for me.. not bragging.. just.. saying.. I must say.. I'm in way better shape than I was a year ago... Mostly in the I'm not on the edge of psychosis...
...Though.. my dreams have been disturbing as of late... very unsettling images...very unsettling...
I need to pay rent... Must bug Scott about that...
Been on this big obsessive ..thingy.. about "Much ado about nothing".. I saw it the other night with Jadie.. last week.. and now I'm obsessed with it.. I mean.. it always was my favorite Shakespeare, and one of my most favorite plans/stories in general.. mostly for the characters of Beatrice and Benedict.. those two are just awesome... I got my book from home.. and bought the movie yesterday.. along with Clockwork Orange.. I still want Hamlet.. Kenneth Branagh... just rocks... in all he does....
My story manager has been showering me with acclaim recently.. it's really confusing me... This sat I work 12-8.... I don't close? It would appear so... I find this.. curious.. to say the least...
tomorrow I re-evaluate Experimental-Endeavor Befuddled Owl... I suspect I'll decide to cancel it... I have discovered certain ethical questions concerning it... that while.. very minor.. are enough to give me pause...
And my speech is getting wonky again... damn you Shakespeare!
Peace out!