Didn't get to sleep till 3:30 last night. Than slept in. I woke up to my first alarm, and apparetly turned off the 2nd. Than woke up at 8:45 and realized.. crap.... I overslept. And I didn't enjoy my oversleep. I hate my dreams. I mean.. really... Gods... *sigh*
So, I'm not in the best of moods today. In fact.. I'm down right... unhappy today. Not depressed. Just... unhappy. It's different, trust me.
So, I'm kaiser.. and now that I'm not so sick... I can do my job. I posted the New Charter, not to much upheaval. People seem to be trying to understand all the new changes and such. But it seems to have met with favorable responce.
Been working on cleaning the Decreebook out. Took the first strike at it last night. Removed stuff that violated the Chartered, added in a new position I created. The Imperial Scribe. and just general clean up.
I had fun with my recorder last night. It was really relaxing. I think I'm getting better. I can play a bit faster now. But with more mistakes.
I'm going to UCSC tomarrow. till sunday. It oughta be nice. But when I return, I got alot of work to do. an essay with annotated bibliography, key terms and a poster thingy. I'll do it all monday.
I feel very lonely today. *sigh*. oh well. Someday. I hope.
My mood's been very unstable today. I mean, REALLY unstable. Almost violently so. I've had extreme lows and highs all day. I got really hyper during lunch. And flirtatious.. hehe. and got flirted back at. Which was nice. But I was to the point of clumsy with my mania...
During classes and just at random times, I got extremely depressed and unhappy and lonely.. and... yeah... pretty bad, but I had to hide it. During Poli Psych I bacame extremely aggitated, not angry.. just.. aggitated. And moody. I kept moving around mood wise... Today was not a good day for me.
I also had extrememly hard time concentrating. Accually... I had a hard time understanding teachers and people today. I heard them.. but my mind translated the words as garble. And I realized I've been having this problem for a few days. in fact... think in words seems to be becoming harder for me. I'm not sure what this means. I guess I just need more sleep maybe. maybe all the drugs and shit I've been taking lately... My guess is that has a big part to do with it. I don't like not being able to do Logic, and rebuild logic circuits without great effort. And why do people make no sense to me... I know it's english.. but... it's all... garbled in my mind... Poli Psych was really bad on that front.
Turns out Adam didn't drop Poli Psych. I got nothing against him personally.. but I would have prefered he wasn't there. I don't need the constant reminder, but NO... the universe couldn't let him drop it, that would make life easier for Erik.
I've been worn out all day. And when I did my personal routine of stretching and excersize.. my body didn't respond kindly..
...Gods.. my body hurts... It's not taking kindly to working out... and I think I may be going through some withdrawl or something. Since I have been taking less stuff this week. My body is not happy with me. Oh well. What ya gonna do about it? I think I might go to bed... if my insides stop feeling like I'm being stabbed.
And tomarrow... to Santa Cruz!
Oh, and Mead is good. I like it.