Back to my regularly schedules programming.
Went to Sebastapol today, was meaning to run errands.. but ended up just browsing the shops in the down town, as I do. Went into this lil place I know and found a great shirt, nice airy lace up black one.. very nice...
I closed again yesterday, this time I was a lil more prepared for it. And I close tomarrow. hehe, I forgot to see when I worked today when I left yesterday, so I had to call in this morning.
"Thank you for calling petsmart, this is Liana"
"Hey, Liana, it's Erik. Could you do me a favor and tell me when I work today"
"You don't"
"Really!? Awesome, I'm going back to sleep!"
*laughing from manager*
It was funny.. I had to catch a parakeet for the first time last night.. only the 2nd time I've had to get a bird, and first time I had to get one from the big cage.. it was.. interesting... and funny.. at least to me... But then again.. Everything seems to be funny to me in the long run these days, because life is just a game, and all we can ever hope for is to lose with style... hehe
So, Endeavor Inconvenient Kangaroo is kinda been put on a back burner... well.. it already was on a back burner.. so now it's just kinda on simmer....
And now it may seem that I have going Endeavor Conveniently-Unpredictable Unicorn.
On a unrelated note, Project Unnecessarily Sparkly Trans-dimensional Unification Contraption... is progressing nicely...