this is lame.....don't bother....

Mar 01, 2006 23:02

ps i'm sorry for reposting...but sadly it made me laugh


1.only seniors leaving campus is the biggest joke ever hear daily of some dumbshit jumping off the third floor and breaking something
3. you hear about 2 black girls gettin beaten down in the stair well
4. you hear on the news about a coach fuckin a student.
5. you hear the saying "we are not a good school but a great school" and it reminds you of kernwine (sp)
6. you hear weekly that some fuckin dumb ass freackin runs into the milk machine to break the glass to get free milk
7. "uuuuhhhh" is a regular installment in the announcements on the pa system
8. you see the parking lot monitor telling the underclassmen to "be safe" as they're going off campus for lunch
9. we already know the outcome of the football games before we even know who we're playing
10. there are at least 5 parties EVERY weekend
11. monday mornings are dedicated to hearing about "how totally wasted" everyone got that weekend
12. you're more proud of your dance team AND cheer squad than of the football team
13. you hear about people having sex in the bathroom and dont think anything of it

14. when you correct the spelling on stuff other people have posted
15. when you know all your teachers' favorite RANTS by heart (and know what will set them off)
16. you've ever signed up to talk to your counselor just so you can skip class
17. cheating doesn't count unless you get caught AND can't talk your way out of it
18. the huge plans for a sprinkler system result only in a massive mud puddle
19. you know the student's code (of conduct) is more GUIDELINES, than actual rules
20. you know that dona aixa's spanish class is "attended by the damned and taught by a woman SO EVIL that Hell itself spat her back out"
21. you realize that SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!
22. you write more in your fine arts class than in english
23. you know that if you get caught going against the crowd in the stairwell, you may never make it to class.
24. you dont hesitate to correct you teacher, and then comment on how stupid their mistake was
25. you dont understand how Stealth can be so slow, and yet so...stealthy
27. you can smell overachievers
28. you stop doing all work becuase it's faster and easier to cheat. plus, you make better grades
29. you remember what a JOKE SLC was
30. you live off TacoShack
31. you have enough school t-shirts to clothe a small army
32. you realised there is no number 26 on this list
33. you've got the art of wasting class time down to a science
34. you know sweatshirts only come with hoods so you can cover your headphones
35. you can buy any drug you want without ever getting off your bus
36. everyone has a theory about which teachers are on which drugs
37. you can remember getting to school 20 minutes late and having to wait at the TARDY TABLE for 20 more, so you could go to the last 3 minutes of class
38. only two of your teachers ask for your permit to enter, and then when you dont have it, they give you detention...
39. but you dont care because detention is just teacher-speak for study hall
40. you've run into a locked bathroom door
41. you've fallen down the stairs when they were covered in an inch of water cuz its raining
42. you dress in layers so you can deal with the 50 degree temperature difference from the classrooms to the corridors
43. you can sing the quadratic formula
44. know mega boost days mean half the people wont show up, and those that do, wont do shit
45. the only part of morning announcements that you listen to are the songs...
46. ...and maybe not even that
47. you've tried to high-five a swimmer and been told to shove it up your ass (jk reed we <3 you)
48. know substitutes are inately incapable of working movie projectors
49. you're not surprised when you hear that someone got in trouble for riding a unicycle in the hallway. you just laugh
50. you dont know any of the words to the school song, but you've nearly lost your pinky fingers while mubling it at a pep rally

Repost this and dont repost that westwood bullshit!!!

ps i freaking hate my job and am so glad i only have like 4 days left.....
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