Dec 11, 2005 22:47
Is it weird I feel like smiling with the week I have ahead? I think it is.... one day i work from 7 am-11 am and then go to my psych final. Boooo, I think i'll cry :( At least my 32 hours this week will be good for my wallet cause I could use it what with needing to fix my car and the fact that i still have like 3 presents to buy.
i get in random moods where i get really happy for other people, it's kinda odd. Espically some of the people that i get really happy for. oh well, i'm a weird emo gal
So, has anybody studied yet? I sure haven't. And i lost my binder with all my assignements in it....poop.
This year has gone by so amazingly fast. For the most part it has been simply amazing. Finally being a senior, having an amazing experience in mexico, first love and all that jazz. There have been a few really low points such as losing my grandfather and first love, but it really made me realize how wonderful my friends are. I love them and will miss them terribly when we all go our seperate ways in 8 months.
Anna and I talked about college today. I really love the idea of driving to San Francisco with her, it sounds like it'd be a lovely trip and not too long after Seattle either. I am so excited about this coming up summer. I'm not sure it could top this past summer....but it's looking like it could sure give it a run for it's money! Of course it'll also have getting ready to leave and stuff....sheesh, we're all growing up so fast. Some days I just want to curl up and watch Little House on the Prarie or make up mean songs about large people (before I realized how wrong it was). I don't know...sometimes life is just funny and it changes so fast but most of us grow and learn and adapt and i sware i'm shutting up now
1 week girls till the ultimate senior bonding!!!
Goodnight loves :)