3.07 Saturday Night is for Fighting

Sep 16, 2007 19:54

Recap and Commentary.

Cliffnotes: Spencer FTW! Madison is hot. Aiden is emo. Glen is witty. Patrick needs to die. Kyla is annoying.

"You know, chocolate is an aphrodisiac even if it is on a donut." "I like to be prepared." Ooooh for what?! Spashley sexxxx. Innuendo! You go Spencer! Suck that finger! "You came" Wow, could you be any cuter?! Spashley scenes are always amazing. This is the first time in a while that we get a genuine, Season 1-esque Spashley scence. *loves it* Mandy and Gabby have so much chemistry! "Music is all I have" Nooo, you have Spencer! "Sometimes it's nice to share things with somebody" Mmm, yes it is. Sexual innuendo #2. And point to Ashley for wearing the lesbian boots. Spencer is stoked that her ex/soon-to-be girlfriend is in a magazine. They are just too cute together. It seemed like they were dating. Just minus the peck goodbye and "love you".

Is it just me or is Spencer a complete clutz when it comes to coffee? I swear, she spills hers like every day. "My shoes were actually just pestering me for a lattee. I think they have caffine issues"" Wow, your shoes talk to you? Spencer, back awayyyyy... then run! So Patrick is at USC... smartie! Stop flirting with Spencer... she doesn't like you. Did you miss her extremely hot ex/soon-to-be girlfriend exit just second before you entered?

"Your favorite jeans are ready incase you want to wear them tonight"... hah oh how I wish Ashley would be able to enjoy those jeans instead- because well... it is "just Patrick". He doesn't get Spencer's magical jeans. Chelsea reference! Way to go 4 minutes into the episode before mentioning the girl who lost her damn baby in the last episode! Oh and yeah, after losing her baby, I'm sure seeing Ashley in a magazine would really brighten her day... /sarcasm. "She's pretty and she should save her money." Amen. And score one for Paula for acknowledging that her daughter can bag hot chicks. "Whatever she tells you, it's not a date." Yay Spence! But would you mind telling Patrick that?

Ew. More Aiden and his college crap. Just become a model already. "Mardi Gras, Girls Gone Wild..." "Hurricane Katrina"... ouch, that kinda stung right here *points to heart*. But good point Aiden. You know Aiden and Glen just want some alone time in the gym.

"Get a scarf, buy a jacket." I love Spencerrrrr. Grr Patrick stop being such a gentleman! I bet Ashley never paid for movie tickets... but then again she could have. Maybe she'll buy Spencer her own movie theater now! Ooooh then they can make out during the movies. Perfect.

"Tell me about the record deal" So apparently Kyla wants to sing now... can she even sing? Grr. Kyla is a jerk... and I don't like Ethan. "You really don't have to sell me. I'm sold. Tell me where do I sign." Kyla, you're such a ditz... please stop being annoying. "They need both of us and they only have one." Ashleyyyyy, oh how I love your dominance! "She just can't stand the thought of sharing the spotlight with me" I don't like youuuuu. Stop talking. "Could you be any more selfish?" Excuse me? Look who's talking. I will talk as loud as I want!" "Not to me" Ashleyyyy FTW!

Ego. Madison = hot. "Bro, this blows, alright. Let's roll." I'm pretty sure that's code for 'Let's go fight crime in the back of my car'.

"A marginally funny cliche." I love your vocabulary Spencer. "You're beautiful" Damn right she is... now leave her alone. "Actually, I'm not attracted to any guy in that way. And nothing is going to happen between us because... I'm gay" Yay Spencer! Way to be frank with the man. Or as Ashley would say- Frank away! "That's cool" Really? To bad you spend the whole episode trying to kiss her. "Patrick, you can't convert me." Only Ashley can do that. "I'm not into labels. You know, gay, straight, we're all people, you know" "That's the same thing my ex-girlfriend used to say." "Smart girl" "More like non-committal" Sounds like someone I know... grr.

"She never stops dancing man. She's crazy." You never stop working out... but are you- oh yeah you are crazy huh? Well you will be in a few minutes. "The hottest chick in the room- we've both ya know been there, done that, bought the t-shirt." Oh Glen, this is why I love you (and your keycard) so much. "Man, what is up your butt tonight?" Wow, nice wording Glen. Sexual innuendo #3. And Kyla is still a ditz. Awkward Ashley and Aiden moment "Are you okay?" "I need fresh air"

Wow, paparazzi is really out of line. "Nice dress. Got anything on underneath?" I think that could be considered sexual harassment. "She's just another fame whore looking for attention." "What'd you say? Say it again!" Britney Spears reference. Aiden attacks stalkeratzzi in 5...4...3...2...1... BAM!

Madison can tour with Justin Timberlake... blah blah blah.

In the mean time, Aiden is knocking the shit out of the paparazzi. "You want some more? You aren't so tough now, are you?" That broke my heart. As much as I am against Aiden... I really just didn't like it. It was very Craig/bipolar-esque. "Maybe we should get a bodyguard." Ya think?! "I'm not fit to protect anybody right now" Good point. You shouldn't attack any more paparazzi. So now Glen is their body guard... how convenient. Now he doesn't have to work at Sports Time anymore.

Awkward Ashley/Aiden scene. "What was that back there?" "I don't know... ever since the shooting, it's been bad." Poor emo Aiden.

Patrick is still a jerk. Back off. Spencer FTW!

"All you know is that he is a guy, and at this point, you'd probably settle for any guy, wouldn't you?... Even if I was straight, I wouldn't go out with him. But I'm not straight." You go Spencer! Beat Paula's ass! "Decided? What? You think I just woke up one morning and thought to myself- how am I really gonna piss off my mom today? Oh wait- I think I'll decide to be gay!" Spencer (and writers) I love you so much. "I'm tired of feeling guilty for embarrassing you" This was one of the best speeches in SON history! Oh and Arthur FTW!

Emo Aiden. The end.

commentary, 3.07 saturday night is for fighting, recap

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