3.06 Fighting Crime

Sep 08, 2007 21:13

Recap and Commentary.

Cliffnotes: Glen is a cute idiot. No one likes Aiden. Spashley needs to happen. Bye bye Bangs. Poor Chelsea.

Okay Aiden, watching you box for a minute really wasn't necessary. But damn, I'd watch Madison dance anytime. Okay so apparently, when you make eye contact with an ex, that's a sure fire sign you should go have sex in the back of a truck. Wait... Aiden reads? "Partners in crime fighting", eh? Interesting.

Wow Kyla... you really need to get a grip. Do you not realize you are setting yourself up for disaster. Jake... wow what the hell kind of obscenities are you talking? DAMNNNNN Ash, looking HOTTTT. "I'm hungry" haha sooo cute. I love her hair too. "Do you mind if I'm frank with you?" "Oh frank away." Oh Ashley, how I look forward to your weekly wit! "If I get hot, you get hot. We're sisters. What's good for me is good for you." Mmm I think Ash > Kyla on the hot scale... basically because Mandy pwns all. "If you put that on your blog, I will sue you." Rawr. Feisty Ash. Me likey.

Spashley interactionnnn! "Thank you so much Dr Phil" Haha awww I love them together... and Spencer does make a good bald man, doncha think? "It's not about the fame, girl." Okay... Spencer and Madison really need to stop with the "girl"s... it's only amazing when Chelsea says it. "Would you go with me?" "Yes, I will go with you." Wow... that took no thinking at all. Bam! Spashley is baaack.

Oh Glen... you are oh so cute when you are lost. "What are you on drugs again?" "Why do you guys always think I'm on drugs?" "Just trying to find a logical reason why you're so irresponsible." Arthur FTW!

Cute Spencer and Chelsea moment. Bangs is moving to San Diego?!?! Chelsea say what?! She is coming after meeeee."How are you and King High's youngest student doing today?" Spencer, could you be any cuter? I think not. Blah blah baby talk.

Glen/Chelseaaaaa. "Wow, Glen I could've sworn you already graduated." Aww Chelsea, I love you. "Uhm let me see, oh right I'm not in my art studio. I'm not psychic." Couldn't Glen just call and ask her if he could go look around? I'm sure he has a key... or atleast we know Spencer does. "What? What is it? Are you okay?" "No" The No bothered me... it seemed too I dunno... just didn't fit. And way to subtley mention Sean haha Paula saves the day! "I totally sent them a text message. We are all good here." Who texts their work? Wow. But Glen, you are cute, so it's okay.

Aww Spenceeeee. Poor Clay. "Waiting for someone? Someone who's not me apparently." Ding ding ding... we have a winner! "I'm unarmed. I swear." Way to hold up your arms, your weapon of choice, at that exact moment. "I was thinking I could find somewhere to crash... find some way to stick around. That is if I have a reason to stick around." Uh unless you wanna join in on a Spashley love fest, I think you should get a head start on San Diego. "It was one time!" "Until it's another and then another, and I'm sorry but I just can't" Yay Spencer! Way to stick it to the Bangs! "Guess it's San Diego or bust" Right you are... Damn, you are looking hot in that scene though. Come down here. You can beat me up anytime.

Great timing Ash. "Hey Sexy, you looking for a ride?" Yesssss. Why can't they fucking kiss?!

Aiden... do you ever stop talking about college? "I've seen the light." You just annoy me. But good UCLA/USC rivalry. Oh no! We learn about the origin of Emo Aiden.

"This is (my girlfriend) Spencer."Hmm I can't take this friend business anymore. "I'll go mingle" What with the glass cups?... there is no one else around... besides the moving guy. Ohhhh Mandyyyy singing. She's not the best but it calms me. OMFGGG Great Spashley scene... they soooo want each other. Yeah Spence, she's singing about you.

Cute Chelsea/Glen. They are perfect I swear... Clay who? "You're gonna be okay" "It's not me I'm worried about... If anything ever happened..." Wow, forshadowing much? That's never good. Kinda like when Arthur told Paula everything would be okay... and then Clay bit the big one.

Angsty Aiden. I love you Madison. Yesss... no one wants Aiden. Including USC! So basically... 'I'm over you, but let's go fight crime!' "I was rejected" Get used to it... it seems to happen a lot to you. Glen would never reject you though!

Chelsea has small kidneys?! Oh noooo. "Just be smart. Nothing too physical." "Great, there goes my pro wrestling career" Chelsea FTWWWW. Glen is an idiot... his dad was right. So this is just tragic. "No, no, no, no! Somebody help us!" That reminded me of Liberty's "Somebody help!!!" But that is so sad... I mean, in all the ways to kill off the baby, you do it like that? And to hurt Glen's car? How tragic. Chelsea just really seems to be cursed.

SPASHLEY! FTW! "You can really sing." "You heard?" "You were amazing." "Well, I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you." "I'm your biggest fan. I'm so proud of you. You're really taking this seriously." "Things change right?" Just kiss already!!! *dies* *kills Ethan* WTF, Kyla can't sing. "In their minds, she's the star." How rude... and sad. I bet she turns it down. Poor Ash.

To Poor Chelsea. Man, everyone is poor today. I'm sure that is just horrible to go through. "There are a lot of people outside who love you." I'm sure. Poor Chelsea... her life has just been cursed ever since she came on the show. "It would have been a girl" Damn... No Clay jr. I really am excited to see how Chelsea deals with all this. She is a really strong person, but this may be the thing that finally pulls her over the edge. I think it would be more interesting than Aiden's emo storyline- unless there is more Spashley dream sequences.

commentary, recap, 3.06 fighting crime, south of nowhere

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