3.04 Spencer's New Girlfriend

Aug 24, 2007 20:55

Recap and commentary.

Cliffnotes: Spangs FTW!, conceited!Ash needs to die, Glen and Chelsea need to hook up already, and Aiden grows a backbone! Mad props to Aiden.

Vallet parking? Yeah... that's the most interesting thing about that scene. Besides Aiden checking out the movers. Wow, has Ash always been this conceited?! Way to dodge the boyfriend question too. I love how Kyla is barely phased by walking in on Ashden. Ashley is more interested in her hair than Aiden. Thank god!
"Um, can one of you guys hand me my clothes? Please?" Haha almost cute... in all his uncomfortableness.

Pillow talk! What's with Ashley's techno ringtone?! "What!" Is that how you address the girl you love? Wow- Ash, you are soooo conceited. I bet she totally called Aiden after to ask him to go buy her a toothbrush. Haha Paula FTW! Love her in that scene.

Spencer on Aiden's bikeeee. Is it just me or do Gabby's jeans look tighter than usual? "You almost took that nanny out with a stroller!" Oh Spencer, how I love you! I miss the old times with Spencer and Aiden. Considering all the things he did for Spashley last season... oh until he dropped a bomb on Spashley at Prom. "Well, life's too short to hold a grudge especially against you" That was cute. I can actually stand Aiden in this scene. Though, I wish he would have uttered a "Carpe later!" somewhere in there.
Enter random girl in green. "The guy who got shot through the heart"... I was expecting him to start singing "You Give Love A Bad Name". Yay, new girl for Aiden to serve... oh no wait, he just remembered he's Ashley's bitch.

Glen/Chelsea- FTW! "There's this thing you need to know about pregnant girls- they don't move that fast." I love Chelsea's wit. "Well I appreciate your deceitfulness." "What can I say? It's the least an almost brother can do."

Ew- boring Madison/Kyle from Moolah Beach scene. "I get around..." Uh ewww. Creep alert. Blah blah blah... something about dancing.

Bangs! "Hey, I didn't know if you'd recognize me in my church clothes" OMG, you are amazingggg. Hilarious.

Wow... Aiden is a hot mover. Ash, move your own shit! "I don't even have a flashlight" "Well, atleast I know what to get you for Christmas" Yay for witty Aiden. I have a flashlight she can borrow... but I like her better in the dark. "Well, don't go too far." OMFG... put him on a leash already. Angsty Aiden yay!
Ash staring at Spencer's picture... SOOOOO CUTE. Note how Spencer's is in front of the Ashden picture. "Which one? Aiden or Spencer? You're obviously thinking about one of them." Yay for Kyla to get a clue. "Okay this whole no door thing is really becoming a problem." Yeah... I could see how that would be annoying... maybe call Aiden and have him build you a door.

"Hey girl" Wow... Spence has been spending way too much time with Chelsea. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were Chelsea." "Not unless she got a really unfortunate make over" Bangs has an amazing sense of humor. "I saw you at school the other day" "I remember" Yeah, you do since you basically eye fucked herrrr. "If I'm alone here too long I might pull a Van Gogh and cut my ear off or something" Or push you up against the wall and abuse the hell out of you... oh no wait that's next week. Note Gabby painting the hell out of that bird... haha aggressive painter. "You have another brother." "Yeah, that's actually him right there" "That's your brother? Was your mom doing the mailman?" Oh man- yes, I love Bang's quick wit... too bad it's about Clay. "And he passed away" "I'm so sorry" "Oh no, it's okay" "No, I really wish I would think before I say things sometimes." Ashley much? "He was actually killed in a drive by shooting at our Prom a few months ago." Aww, Spencer is finally able to talk about it. "Now, it's like something's always missing" Yeah, like sex with Ashley!

"Can I ask you a question?" "Yeah, these are my real boobs." Haha gotta love Bangs. "Okay, um can I ask you another question?... Well, just, when you say uh 'girlfriend', do you mean, ya know, the kind of girl that you get together with to talk about boys?" I love Bang's face in during the question... she is so ready to tackle Spencer. "No. I mean the kind of girl you get together with... not to talk about boys." Seductiveeee Bangs.

"Is he still wearing those sexy brown polyester pants?" "Yep, and they've gotten even tighter" Way to notice tight men's pants, Aiden. "So you haven't been anxious or sad? No acting out? No reckless behavior?" Foreshadowing Aiden's downfall. Leave it up to this random chick to come in and stay the most intelligent line in the entire episode.

Madison/Moolah man dancing. Kiss. Ew.

Spangs painting. "Oh it's just a stupid bird with a yellow beak." "That's super deep" Haha OMG Spencer's bird is amazing. What is it with all these space-aged ringtones? "Imagine yourself submerged in hot water with 84 hydojets pulsing, swirling, and massaging every inch of your body." Oh wowwwww. Considering Ash is in a robe. Wow. I'm sure Spencer is gonna need that water Bangs is offering.

Oh look- Moolah man is a creepy stalker with a webcam... JERK! Now go back to your island. "There's no wi-fi in here." OMG Madison, you are awesome!

SPANGS KISSSSSS! Or rather make out. "Well, hello you two..." "Hey... Chelsea." "Hey, where've you been?" "With Glen, but that's not nearly as interesting as what's going on here..." Or is it? What were you and Glen doing? Moving more "paintings"? Aww cute Spangs moment. I want to know exactly how they initiated the kiss though and what happened after Chelsea walked away. The writers did a good job with that... then they don't have to go through any awkward dialogue.

"You never mentioned that to me" "I didn't?" No, Ash... you told Spencer that, remember?... Spencer... the girl you love. Oh man, Mandy runs adorably! "Who's Lily Allen?" "She has like the most amazing voice, and her body is unbelievable. She's so hot." Wow, I never caught that the first 2 times I watched the episode... haha Lily Allen > Aiden. Then BAM picture of Spencer... yes, in front of the Ashden picture. Aiden grows a backbone in 5...4...3...2...1...

"NO!" "I'm sorry. Please?" Wow, your puppy dog face doesn't cure everything... but damn is it adorable! Aww, wait- Aiden doesn't like lifting heavy objects and flexing his muscles? "No, I don't want to go tonight. Or any other night." "What does that mean?" I recall you asked the same question to Spencer... and you are gonna get the same answer. "I'm done, alright? I'm done being your handyman. I'm done being your backup date. I'm done." Good. You have outstayed your welcome by about... 4 episodes. "People got shot, Ashley! People got hurt! People died! And, and you walked away from it and none of it, none of it even touched you!" I love Matt's hand gesture when he says 'touched' "You didn't even stay around long enough to see who was standing and who wasn't." Oh man... crying Aiden. I want to give him a hug. "When Spencer dumped me, you came to me, and you knew exactly who I was." "And that makes it okay?" Another Spencer-ish line... doesn't Aiden have his own writers? "Yeah, go. Leave! Cuz that's what you do best! You leave because you can't deal. You're gay when it's convenient. You're straight when you want me around." Ah finally, the line heard 'round the world! "It is so not even like that" Uh yeah Ash... it is. "You know what? Wear your little dress, and go to your stupid club, and have sex with Lily Allen or whoever else. I don't care. OMG Studdering Aiden is amazing... and his Lily Allen line... I seriously bust out laughing every time I hear it. "Next time you have an emergency, call 911" OUCHHH. Major points for Aiden for walking out on her. She's walked out on way too many people. It's about time she knew what it felt like. But ya know, she can always call Spencer... that is, if she is still alive after Bangs has her way with her.

commentary, 3.04, south of nowhere, spencer's new girlfriend

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