(no subject)

Aug 19, 2005 15:09

This is my second day back at school. I finally met somebody else today that lives on the floor with me. Moving into the hall was actually kind of easy compared to the last two move-ins that I did. I live on the fifth floor of Kesseler Hall. I have a bedroom to myself and a bathroom that I'll share with Sam. My bedroom is already set up except for the extra lights which won't stay up for anything. I had to lower the loft on my bed because I was scared I was going to die from the height. I know people don't fall out of beds in their sleep but I quite remember falling out last year when I was getting out. At least now it's at a reasonable level. Our ceilings are something like 15 feet high so I have a lot of extra space above me going to no use. Anyways things around here have been quiet. Sam moves in on Sunday. Katrina is coming to help Candace her cousin move in tommorow so we're going to spend some time together. I have a desk meeting in an hour which I'm sure will be exciting as always. Ok this is getting boring but with absolutely nothing to do all I'm stuck with is the internets to keep me company. Ok I'm done. I need a sweet party for sure to pick my mood up.
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