Squeaking this one in under the wire. At least it's not midnight where *I'm* at. Hopefully it's not where
quettaser is either. :)
Title: Striking Thirteen
Author: Waldo
kwaldo12Written for:
quettaserCliche : "Oh no! The hotel screwed up our reservations, I guess we'll have to sleep in the same room." Tender feelings/teh sex! ensues
Fandom: Sports Night
Words: 2762
Rating: R
Summary: Dan wondered why they were discussing this now. How they’d gotten from water dripping on his bed to how cold Helsinki was in June to why they weren’t fucking each other any more to why Casey and Lisa were never going to work out. Sometimes his life just moved to fast. And it tended to do so when he was least able to keep up with it.
Notes: I now know more about Helsinki than I ever expected to. I do not know, however; if they’d ever have the World Cup there. It’s bloody cold all year. But hey, it’s fiction.
Striking Thirteen