hi!!^^ it's me! brett! i've come to take over. actually, no, but i like to think i am.^^ today i got a new faceup, and well, it's not as bad as my very first one (oh, oh GOD no!!) @@; anywho, without further ado, (oh snap, i rhymed^^)...
holey moley macaroni! who's that hottie!!!?
..oh that's right. IT'S ME!!!!!
...eheh gomen^^;
i've got cute freckles~ or, atleast that's what i've been told many times!^^
well... only once, by some old lady.^^;
YAY!!! now i shall recieve my well deserved beauty sleep^^ all that picture taking seems to have absorbed my natural glow~ ==; haha! see you later.