17 days more until he comes home~ :.{ it's been a really long wait!
he's on my cellphone, along with my favorite yellowcard song so sometimes, I can play it and see him at the same time :.) hmm that makes me reeeally happy.
Waa... I'm worried about his classes for this quater.
I dono if he didnt register yet, if he'll have the chance when he gets back. It's a close cut!
Laa dee doo... this is post about him because I want to think about him :.)
Well, I always, am.. but right now i want, to. hehe
he said he sent me postcards but none came! oh no! it's okay
because he called me from the netherlands!! :> it was nighttime there and daytime here.
I want him to hurry and come back...
i didnt hear from him since he called me.
he said he's going to write me a letter :.D! yay! letters are really special. not a poscard, a letter~! that means..
something new to hide behind his photo frame on my shelf X) I put things from him behind there...
like... emails... X)
i miss my dear ;{
i dream about him lol, the other night i dreamed i was hugging him and he told me to get off X) eheh wow this dream sure helped my confidence :P :.) lol
what a long wait. it's been..... 4 weeks??
he said 5 weeks only, but he's coming back on the 9th. it's like 6-7 weeks :.{
the calendar i made is useless now!
ah oh well..
i havent mailed him, cause,
i just want him to hurry and come back :.{
emails make me happy, but it's not the same you know...
the end! :.D the concludes my mushyness post hehehe
Love Always,