The past couple of days:

Sep 13, 2005 08:56

Well I already started college on Aug 29, and on the first day I got homework.It was not alot [Thank God]. SO far I'm doing pretty good, but the only thing that's a real pain in the butt is PARKING. Today I was very lucky to find a parking spot today..=D. I made a few friends here and there, so im not totaly alone.I really dont eat lunch when I have 6 hrs of free time. I know its sad,but i got use to it.

The only class that I have today is English from 12:20- 2:15 pm and then I get to go home and relax. But I have to study for a JAZZ test or quiz on Friday. Hopefully I'll pass and I already had a quiz on rudiments of music like last week, and i wont know wut i got until 2morrow [YIKES]

---------N-E ways enough about college for now!!!!

Well my birthday just past it was on Sept 4th and turned 19. I cant believe next year im gonna be the BIG My dad's birthday was yesterday and well u know the deal. People gets older by the min..hehe . Today is my BFF birthday as well. He's turning 19..(woohoo).  The reason why I haven't been is b/c I dont have a internet, so when ever I have free time I use the computer in the libaray. I'm gonna have the internet be put back on sometime this week.

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