(no subject)

May 22, 2004 20:34

If you won the lottery what are the first 5 things you'd buy?:Pay my debts; buy a house; plane tickets to Israel, Tibet, and Russia; a new truck; a lifetime supply of snapple for Dallas Who would you give money to?:Dallas, Athena, Todd...the important people. If you can go on vacation anywhere you want, where would you go and why?:Tibet-I want to see the way they live in person. Tibetan people fascinate me. Who would you go with?:Dallas What did you like most about elementary school?:our gigantic pool What did you not like?:the drawings of naked ladies in the bathroom by the 7&8 graders What did you like most about junior high/middle school?:Mr Reynolds...nuff said What did you not like?:Everyone but Mr Reynolds What did/do you like about high school?:History class What did/do you not like?:the people What did/do you like about college?:n/a What did/do you not like?:n/a If you could hang out with any male celebrity, who would it be and why?:Matthew McConaughey...James Dean is dead. Female celebrity?:Juliette Moore If you could be any age, how old would you be?:25 What are 5 things you want to accomplish in life?:Complete college, complete ROTC, become a pilot, go to Tibet, establish a reputation in politics If you would rather live anywhere else, where would you live and why?:Mississippi...my mommy lives there. Name 5 people you wish you could meet (dead or alive):James Dean, Bull Halsey, Rob Lowe, General Scwartzkkopf If you were stranded on an island what 5 things would you take with you?:Coca Cola, Wheat Thins, a floppy hat, a friend, a satellite phone Who would you take with you?:most likely Dallas What are 5 things you cannot live without?:Coca Cola, Wheat Thins, History Channel, Fox News, my computer+internet Who are 5 people you cannot live without?:Dallas, Athena, Todd, Ashley, God (can i list him as a person?) If you can have any job, what would you do and why?:Blackhawk helicopter pilot List 5 words that describe your personality:Gemini(you figure it out), bitchy, argumentative, perky, loud If you can be on any reality show, which would you choose?:Colonial House (watch PBS!!!!)
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