Sep 12, 2004 10:12
some cute quotes...just thought I'd put them up here!
Don't make someone a *priority* who only makes you an *option*..._
One day he'll see the light..........then he'll get hit by the train!
Everytime I see you with another girl, i remember when you tell me. " It will always be me and you Baby-girl."
Don't waste your time on someone who won't waste their time on you.
the worst thing besides falling in love is falling out of love.
in life there are 3 things that shouldnt be broken......Toys.....Glass.......and Hearts
WHY did i ever tell you i loved you WHY
~*~Dont pay NE mind 2 the ppl from your past-there IS a reason their not in your future~*~
He broke my heart.. So I broke his nose
We broke up so long ago,you moved on,but me no..I still love you and I'm sitting here waiting to have you back to love once again.The pain sometimes is unbearable,its hurts so bad to see you with your new girlfriend.But its something I'll have to live with.Don't worry ,I'll be ok,sitting here waiting to have you back to love once again.
it so hard to tell everyone i dont love him, when hes the only one i will ever love :'(
Never Try To Hold On To Something That Is No Longer there...It will Just Hurt You Even More...
I gave you my everything but you just handed it back in a trash bag..
When I look into your eyes, I see what's missing from my heart.
I love you is 8 letters but then again so is Bullshit
I miss the kisses that meant something.
I love you....see I can say it too and not mean it...
You break my heart into a thousand pieces and you say it's because I deserve better?
Heartbreaks are only for the proof of having a heart.
It feels like you still love me, like nothings changed but deep down i know your heart belongs to her now....
the worst feeling is seeing the boy youlove...lovesomeone
When love is gone, there's no arms to run to anymore. I'm all alone, there's no one for me to live for. Letting go of the things I've always clung to, that's when I need to feel that I belong to you.
Everytime someone's heart is enlightend by love, another's heart is taken in by darkness. So how dark is my heart now?
I never realized how much I loved you till I lost you!
Why is it that anything great that comes in my life always gets taken away????
As much as it pains me to see you gone, as much as I'd like you back, all i truly wish is for you to be happy.
Spiteful words hurt your feelings, but silence breaks your heart.
I just stood there and watched you....slip away :'(
i thought i could never love again until u came by...but then u kept on walkin
A BIG bowl of ice cream fixes all problems!!!!!!!
I needed someone, no1 was there... I asked for help, no1 answered... I begged for forgiveness, no1 cared... I screamed for attention, no1 took notice... I cried for you, no1 dried my tears...