The First Day

Feb 04, 2010 18:33

So I don't want to be one of those annoying people who talk about their pets constantly*, but I do want to say that Reinette was 95% perfect today. It's kind of a random number. She let me take a shower without having to put her in her crate (she slept on the couch and watched  morning news), was quiet for most of the ride to campus on the bus, sat peacefully on my lap through my drawing class, was pleasant to everyone she met, only peed on the carpet once, pooped and peed outside twice like she was supposed to, and was an angel all through shop hours, not to mentioned her complete silence on the bus on the way home. Now she is snuffling gently in her sleep, wedged between me and the laptop. I'd take a picture, but I'm afraid she'll wake up if I move.

* No, Carly and AM, this does not mean either of you, I love hearing about Ein and Belle.

She's a puppy, ergo she sleeps a lot.


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