Resolutions 2010

Dec 29, 2009 12:14

It's that time of year again! Time to reflect on the year past, and as the Catholics say "What I have done, and what I have failed to do". First, a visit to the resolutions I made December 31st, 2008.

1) Exercise, eat more healthily, and generally take better care of my body.
2) Pay down credit card (in fact, pay one off).
3) Get health insurance.
4) Double the amount going into savings per paycheck.
5) Pay off debts.
6) Perform at least one act of charity per month.
7) Maintain a cleaner, neater home.
8) Hone sewing perfectionism.

I was a lot healthier...until I went and sat on my butt eating desserts half the summer, and then spent a semester sitting in 3-4 hours of traffic and behind a desk. We did pay one credit card off...and then we put some back onto it. Health insurance never happened. We put a lot into savings, and then Thomas lost his job. We paid off one debt, more to go. I actually upped the charity resolution to once a week, and am pleased to say I think I made it most of the time. It was a neater home, though not a cleaner one (hard to clean from several hours away). I learned a lot more about sewing, but I still loathe it.

So, that brings us to this year.

1) Tone fat and muscle, eat healthier, be more heart-healthy.
2) Get contacts for Thomas.
3) New jobs for both of us.
4) Get puppy and take good care of her.
5) Save regularly, improve credit, and work toward long-term financial goals.
6) Get engaged, plan wedding.
7) Move out of Blacksburg.
8) Procrastinate less.
9) Finish MFA, present kick-ass thesis.

I am now going to enjoy the last procrastination I can do guilt-free. Happy New Year!


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