A Very Merry Unbirthday

Dec 19, 2006 13:38

My birthday was fine, thanks for asking. If only my livejournal were fine too. It has been acting up a lot laterly, anyone else having problems? I wanted to post and ask this earlier except that, well, it wouldn't let me post and kept closing my browser window. Noooooo! I also didn't check my e-mail for a couple of days, so I apologize to people who e-mailed me or left LJ comments, I took some time off from the computer since I sit at it all day at work.

So what did I do on my birthday yesterday? Um, hmm,....what did I do? Thomas woke me up early to give me birthday cards and x-mas cards that had come in the mail. He himself forgot to get me a card, but seeing as how he bought me a digital camera for x-mas and something else that is in a big box and has yet to be revealed, I'm not sweating it. He also took me out to dinner, but we'll get back to that. We went shopping to Wal-mart and the "mall" in town. Thomas got gifts for family, I didn't end up getting anything. My search for boxes to wrap my pysanky eggs in is proving surprisingly difficult. Afterwards Thoma got Subway and we ate at home. Then I decided my birthday needed something more fun and unusual so we went shopping at the actual real mall in Roanoke. Such as it is. That was crowded and I didn't end up finding anything I wanted there either, which was really surprising. Even Charlotte Russe had nothing for me. Weird.

By the time we got home it was about 5pm, and we were both strangely tired and cranky, like falling asleep on the way home dead tired. So we took a nap from 5-6:30. We had intended to go to dinner at 7pm, but we lay in bed and talked and cuddled for too long, so it was actually more like 9pm before we left the apartment, all dressed up, hair and make-up nicely done, Thomas looking awesomely hot in his suit, and went to dinner at The Nerv.

If you have not seen my previous post about this restaurant let me merely assure you that it is the best restaurant that I have ever been too in my life. A little pricey, but the quality of service and food absolutely merits it. Our server quickly discerned that it was a special occasion and assured me that they do not sing, which made me happy. As they were out of the cornbread that we typically love to have our substitution of their baked gouda flatbread was gratis, as was the nine-layer chocolate cake because of my birthday. In between the two I had a glass of White Zinfandel, my favorite salad with grilled tuna to die for, and the crab-stuffed flounder. Yum. Thomas had the New York strip steak, which I can vouch for being excellent as well. As I said the service was a treat, being referred to as "Madam" reminding me of the cruise my family and I took my senior year of high school.

Then we went home, I read a book for a while as Thomas played a computer game, and then called my family who had called me whilst we were out. They told me to check my e-mail because dad had sent me something, which turned out to be very sweet. He made an e-mailed called "This Date in History" and filled it with things like Britain abolishing the death penalty (woot!), the premier of the Nutcracker in St. Petersburg, and the abolition of slavery with the passing of the 13th ammendment. Then he added Dec. 18th 1980
"Michele Cook gives birth to her's and Captain Billy Cook's first child; Leslie Kathleen Cook in Plattsburgh, New York.


Happy Birthday, Leslie !

Hope your day is wonderful as your mother's and mine 26 years ago !"

Isn't that sweet!? It made me feel very loved. They had already sent me a card and three gift cards for Target (already gone), Olive Garden, and AMC cinemas. So dinner, a movie, and some presents. I used the Target gift card to buy some muffin tins, a standing lamp for my bedroom, which finally has enough light, a skillet, and some servingware since I never have anything to put food in when we have guests.

Finally Thomas and I went to bed and made love, which was a pretty pleasant ending to what had begun as a fairly ordinary day. Given that this time last year he had to leave town early before my birthday because his grandfather had died, and I spent my birthday alone, going to the library being the highlight; it was a heck of a lot better this year. The absolute truth of the matter is that the best part of my birthday, my year, and quite possibly my life is being loved by the man that I am priviledged to wake up to every day. I'm not sure how I got so lucky, but I'll take it. Happy birthday to me indeed.


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