so very tired

Mar 06, 2005 12:19

For the pst few weeks ive been living in a place called ravencrest (dont ask). in that place u dont get any sleep and ure eating habits go from bad to worse :P and although u can speak to thousands of people ure still being very unsociable. hehe but its great fun!

anyway not much else to say, bought 'SAW' on dvd, that film rocks the world. Forgot how good it was actually. other film news is wer all obsessed with the film orgazmo cos its fecking hilarious and no its NOT a porno its just a well good spoof thingy, with choda boy, who rocks. omg though im so tired, at this point i havent had more than 3 hrs sleep at a time for bout 4 days or so now.

not long till easter kiddies, get to go home for a week or so but tbh id rather stay here. sure i get to c every1 an stuff but its havin a place 'not' to stay that bothers me lol. i sure as hell dont want to impose on any1 like i did at xmas so i'll prolly spend the 2nd and 3rd weeks back here, still not sure yet. wednesday night was great fun, ella got some of her friends round an we all went out. was a great night bar the fact one of her friends was in the army and they wouldnt let him into some of the clubs jus cos of that. was totally wrong, that guy went to iraq to fight an thats how he gets treated. but eventually we got into one club np at all. now im not one for clubs cos tbf ther sh*t as f*ck but company was good so was a great night. need to get the install cds for my camera but im fairly sure ther lost. ugh this is taking me ages, i'll sum it up by sayin my life hasnt changed significantly in the past few days or watever since i last updated, jus makin a post so u all know im still alive. also gna try an get to this years HEB fest if poss and thers a sh*t load of other festivals and bands i want to go c too. more on that later but for now its mr nasty time (figure it out)!

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