Here's what I do when I'm avoiding writing a fic (or rather, finishing a fic I'm working on)....

Nov 08, 2014 23:09

I invent other things to talk about and then spend hours on tumblr looking for pictures for that post. And now, it's ages later, but what the hell, I'm committed.

Here are four characters I have to talk about this week )

twd, tvd, characters wut i love, arrow

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Comments 4

lynzie914 November 9 2014, 18:45:43 UTC
First, I love your icon. Its so very true. It speaks to me. :D ( ... )


leobrat November 9 2014, 20:20:31 UTC
if I ever get to see Beth onscreen again with Daryl I might spontaneously combust, but then again, so might he. It's a risk I'm willing to take

IF?!?!?! What do you mean IF???

I know it's going to be a while...maybe even after the winter hiatus but from all of my googling and searching around, it's *really* popular and I can't think that the writers will sit on it for toooooo much of an extended period of time.


badboy_fangirl November 9 2014, 23:14:32 UTC
With lowered expectations, everything can just be a happy dream come true!


miss_blanche November 10 2014, 02:16:53 UTC
And I can fic him, in ways I never imagined, and will possibly have something for y'all to read tomorrow

LOL I never even thought about this, but Stefan being one half of a ship I might actually have some interest in means I could read him in fic! How weird. (Obviously I only ever read fic - or anything, really, tbh - for my romantic interests, haha).


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