[fic] we're drivin' cadillacs in our dreams

Oct 24, 2014 07:34

Title: we're drivin' cadillacs in our dreams
Author: badboy_fangirl
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Characters/Pairings: Daryl POV; Daryl/Beth; with an appearance by Carol.
Word Count: ~2500
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 / Spoilers through 5x02, with speculation for upcoming episodes.
Summary: So, this is basically PWP. For reals. [Well, there is a little plot, because I'm me ( Read more... )

twd, fanfic, bethyl, daryl/beth

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Comments 10

leobrat October 24 2014, 15:47:40 UTC


But I am up through 3.10, and even though they haven't *really* had any huge interactions, I am SO sucked in by the little pretend family of Daryl, Beth and baby Judith. (Is that seriously her name?)


badboy_fangirl October 24 2014, 18:56:33 UTC
My one complaint about TWD? Naming that baby Judith. So weird.

I'm sorry I haven't continued our thread of discussion...I'm going back to it right now. It's been a busy week, and any spare time I had was devoted to this plot bunny, but now it's done, and I am actually home sick from work today, so I'm gonna do some fangirl stuff!

I honestly never even thought about Daryl and Beth until 4x01, so you have a little time yet. But there are plenty of S3-centric fics out there about that very idea. I was so oblivious to all of it until I started reflecting. It's part of why I did the rewatch over the summer, to refresh me all the things about each of their characters.


leobrat October 24 2014, 20:24:33 UTC
Hey, don't be sorry. Life happens, you know?

I'm going to need to go back and rewatch a lot of this season because I have stupidly been throwing episodes on at 10:30/11 and fighting to keep my eyes open by the end, but there was such a darling scene a little while ago, with them and the baby, that it was almost out of place on a show like this, but also, it fit, just so, and was wonderful.


badboy_fangirl October 25 2014, 06:50:57 UTC
Daryl's nickname for the baby is so endearing as well, and the fact that he is comfortable holding the baby. I remember being surprised about that, but then he was the one who didn't want to give up looking for Sophia. He just likes kids, it's cute.


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badboy_fangirl October 24 2014, 18:57:45 UTC
I'm glad! I would write something else if I could, but this is all that will come out of me right now!


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