11. Genre - do you prefer certain genres of fic when you’re writing? What kind do you tend to write most?
I think it's easy to classify most of what I read and write as "romance." There are certainly other elements from time to time, but there is probably always an underlying romantic element.
12. Have you ever attempted an “adaptation” fic of a favorite book or movie but set in a different fandom?
A few years back I was part of a Glee fandom community called
reel_glee, the primary purpose of which was to set our favorite Glee characters into a movie 'verse. So I wrote about the Glee kids as adults in the setting of the movie While You Were Sleeping. It was set in Chicago and Puck was a subway cop who had an unrequited crush on Quinn, who he saw everyday getting on the El. Then she gets mugged, and he and his partner Finn have to take her to the hospital. Soon her friends Rachel, Kurt, and Mercedes descend upon the hospital to find out what happened to their friend and when Rachel and Puck meet, all bets are off. While Quinn is in a coma, Puck and Rachel's connection grows stronger. It was LOADS of fun to write, and I'm very proud of it. It's the only true AU I've ever written.
13. Do you prefer canon or non-canon when you write? Has writing fanfic for a fandom changed the way you see some or even all of the original source material?
I mostly prefer canon. When I was in the Prison Break fandom my OTP was a non-canon ship, but that was simply because they killed half of what should have been my OTP. [Still bitter, LOL.] And when a show doesn't give me what I want, I usually give up on it. [George & Izzie, Sheldon & Penny.]
Being in fandom has changed the way I see a lot of things about film and television--like, you know, I never even knew what slash was until Prison Break. I still don't see certain subtexts that don't interest me much, but I can at least identify them when pointed out to me. :-)