Chicago fangirlyness...

Aug 19, 2007 14:29

Hey Everybody! (Whenever I think that phrase, I always think of Charlie's band on Lost.)

So I'm back to tell you the rest about my vacation. Let me precede my further ramblings by first telling you that I have fallen in love with Chicago. It is such a beautiful city and we had such a lovely tour guide in pamalax along with the map that miss_mazzie provided for us. ( Read more... )

chicago, fangirlyness, books, friends, bla bla, fangirl trip

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Comments 10

bluedelft August 19 2007, 23:19:39 UTC
Sounds like you had a great time. Wish I could have been there :(

It's been so much fun reading everyone's post and "being" there with all of you.

I have to agree Pam is great!


badboy_fangirl August 21 2007, 03:50:59 UTC
I knew Pam was great from chatting online, and all she did before any of us got there, but seeing her in action just confirmed what I'd already guessed. She's great!


rosie_spleen August 20 2007, 00:13:12 UTC
Welcome home, Candy

Sounds like you had a great time and the pics I saw were fantastic. I agree with bluedelft *waves to Jean* - it has been great fun reading about the experiences in LJ

LOL about Sarah and water. I have a girlfriend that couldnt get water easily in the States either - it was the whole pronunciation thing.

Glad you had fun! Welcome back to reality.



bluedelft August 20 2007, 03:11:51 UTC
*Waves Hi to Rosie*

Hope everything is going great with you!


rosie_spleen August 20 2007, 04:29:16 UTC
Good thanks Jean, hope you are too. Your icon is loverlee.


badboy_fangirl August 21 2007, 03:49:40 UTC
Welcome back to reality

That is so true. I wish it could have lasted longer. So. Much. Fun.

I liked being Sarah's was fun. And for the record, she didn't spill anything on me :D


blue_patton August 20 2007, 14:31:28 UTC
What a completely fantastic description! I am so happy to hear you had such a good time AND that you enjoyed Chicago so much. :)


badboy_fangirl August 20 2007, 19:25:31 UTC
It was a great time, it was. I still am disappointed you couldn't make it, but I understand (even though I'd have loved to meet Aidan!). Thanks for the virtual gift...very thoughtful! Let me know when the package arrives, and make sure there is a music CD in there, because I had this weird thought yesterday that in my hurry to send you your gifts, I somehow forgot to include the one I made. If you don't have a music CD, I'll pop it in the mail!


pamalax August 25 2007, 18:20:47 UTC
Awwwwwwwwww thanks so much for the kind words :o)

I was a little run down by the time we were wandering Chicago so I'm pleased to hear you had a good time.

I felt a wee bit inattentive at that point but figured since we were rolling right along with squeeable things around every corner you guys would have a good time even if I was lagging a tad.

I'm also very relieved to hear having my kids along worked for you okay. I've planned a lot of these things over the years but this was the first time I've had to drag them both along and worried Mom Pam -- I'm a loving parent as a rule but also have no problem with reprimanding or arguing with them both in public if the need arises -- would be too much or the kids would brat out on me and I'd have to go all Mahone fury on one or the other in front of everyone ( ... )


badboy_fangirl August 26 2007, 06:28:27 UTC
Your kids were great, considering what they were putting up with. Honestly, if it had been me at either of their ages, I can't imagine having behaved better. They were great, and besides that, they are great people so they were fun to get to know a bit as well.

I had the thought at one point that the way Ry talks about planes must be like how I talk about PB, and now I understand how everyone around me just tolerates me because they love me. :D

And finally, one more thank you to you for willingly taking me so many places. I appreciate it so much. I had the best time and can't stop talking about it!


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