[Screws fall out all the time. The world's an imperfect place.]

Mar 11, 2013 20:35

The Breakfast Club is on AMC right now. Because finally, a movie that is actually an American Movie Classic. Yeah, baby. Except of course all the cable editing for bad language. Replacing words like "assholes" with "airheads," like John Bender would ever say that. So annoying. Also, Emilio Estevez when he was young and thin and I had a crush on him ( Read more... )

the breakfast club, fanfic

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Comments 12

happywriter06 March 13 2013, 01:43:35 UTC
I think I'm guilty of not doing enough of both. I have a hard time getting what's in my head on the page. I get impatient trying to get all down. So my fave fics that I've written are usually sparse. Straight to the point. Still though l worry if I left too much out.


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