Elena Gilbert and Her Original Factory Team Stefan Settings (a meta)

Feb 02, 2013 14:14

Oy, what am I doing, right? The last time I wrote an Elena Gilbert meta there was a tiny implosion in the fandom, but alas, I feel the need to do this...so, to quote Whitesnake, Here I Go Again....

A vampire only bonds to her sire when she has feelings for him before she turns. Human feelings. Vampirism only heightens those emotions. (Nandi, 4x08) )

tvd, meta, stefan/elena, damon/elena

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Comments 13

upupa_epops February 3 2013, 02:11:51 UTC
Damon went to the scariest place with her, and he never let her go. He went down with her, and he saved her in the one place where being saved was either the worst thing that ever happened to her because she lived when others died, or because she died, only to live again in the worst form she could think of. The poetry of Damon and Elena jumping off that bridge together will always be, for me, anyway, the reason that Elena can never go back to her Original Factory Team Stefan Settings.I would add: he went there with her, and it didn't break him. He came out of the water unharmed, and that's incredibly important, because Elena's Good Girl complex (that kept her away from Damon for so long) stems from her belief that she destroys everyone on her way. But no matter what she throws at Damon, he survives. He can survive being with her, he can survive even though she failed at being The Good Girl. And that's another reason why she'll want him even if she turns human. Of course it's important that he loves her no matter what, but I think it' ( ... )


badboy_fangirl February 3 2013, 06:48:53 UTC
Well, if he dies on the island, I sure hope she doesn't construe it to be her fault, then....


archangel_blood February 3 2013, 16:52:41 UTC
This is all so true, and so beautiful, and everything is D/E, so everything hurts (but in a good way.)

If Elena is human again, her emotions won't be magnified, but neither will her memories be purged.

Yes, yes, thank you. How convenient that everyone keeps forgetting this part. She is not under compulsion, people, she's (supposedly) sired, and it's only because she loves Damon too much. Sheesh.

Also, I believe I do remember your last Elena Gilbert meta, and I enjoyed it (and the implosion) immensely. lol The truth hurts, moving on.


badboy_fangirl February 3 2013, 20:48:47 UTC
It helps that this time I didn't post it in a comm. Less chance of a fight that way, I suppose. ;-)

Yeah, unless Stefan has some great character epiphany, I don't see Elena ever going back to him. Because once you go Damon, you can never go back ;-)


woobloo February 5 2013, 03:56:20 UTC
This, this, thisthisthis ( ... )


badboy_fangirl February 5 2013, 06:22:57 UTC
I'm going to come back to this when I have more time to comment--but I just wanted to say the meta I wrote that caused a minor implosion was back during 3x10 when Elena had Damon compel Jeremy to go to Colorado. There was ALL KINDS of Elena hate at the time, and I couldn't understand why everyone was so mad at her, so I defended her. And it went crazy from there. If you really want to go back and read all that, you can find it HERE. It's so old though, it's not really relevant anymore.

And I have actually written other Elena metas that I posted only at my LJ to prevent eruptions like that one, I think it was just on my mind a bit because it was about a year ago that that happened. I ended up getting defriended by a few people. It was appallingly dramatic! ;-)


archangel_blood February 6 2013, 21:41:03 UTC
Just butting in here, all creeper-like, to mention that you also ended up getting friended by other people, largely due to that meta. *cough* me *cough* :D


badboy_fangirl February 12 2013, 06:08:56 UTC
Sorry it took me SO LONG to get back to this! I had no idea that's how we met--forgive me for my poor recollection, but that is very nice to know I picked up some friends at the time I lost some others :D


pink_orient February 5 2013, 14:39:41 UTC
I really love all that you pack in here. I came to Vampire Diaries late, late, late and was initially very Team Stefan. He was thoughtful, charming, considerate, etc. Damon was impulsive, charming, not super considerate. And low and behold if there aren't two sides to every story. Stefan could often be just as impulsive and reckless as Damon and Damon could be thoughtful and considerate when the need arose. My real challenge was this: when the going gets tough, Stefan gets going. Stefan doesn't like to stick around to clean up his life. He likes to relocate and try something new. Pretend that he's "over" something. Damon on the other hand, acknowledges the idiocy he created and moves on. For someone with as much grief in her life as Elena, moving on (rather than running away) seems like a far healthier option. But that's my two cents.


badboy_fangirl February 12 2013, 06:11:23 UTC
I agree; Stefan's defense mechanisms drive me crazy, as do his pathological lying habits. So yeah, Team Damon all the way!


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