Title: Gravity Hurts (4/9)
badboy_fangirlCharacters/Pairings: Jeremy POV; Jeremy + Damon (+ Alaric); Damon/Elena, Stefan/Elena, Jeremy/Bonnie; Elena and Caroline are on hand this round.
Word Count: ~2100
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (for language)
Spoilers: Everything through S3.
Summary: A bromance for the ages.
Author's notes: This fic is derived from
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LOL, you. I read the first sentence, I started to think of a polite way of suggesting to you that this doesn't seem quite right, and then Damon did all the work for me XD. Now I'm laughing at myself.
OMG, Jeremy invites Elena in! Huh, I probably shouldn't be reading your story to avoid inspirations, because I also have a "Jeremy invites Elena in" scene in mine O_O. Luckily, I already wrote it.
"As completely arousing as this is," he says in a loud voice to combat their squeals and grunts, "I'm gonna have to break it up."
Damon, take your mind off the gutter for once ;).
From the top of the stairs, they hear Caroline mutter, "You're disgusting, you know. As completely arousing as this is... Ugh, so gross."
Thank you, Care!
I don't think Jeremy inviting Elena in is someone's lone idea--besides, he's the only one who can, it's canon! *uses appropriate icon*
Damon's such a lech. He's also trying to be distracting. He is good at both. :D
He also apologized to Elena in 2x22 :). Which is my favorite Damon apology ever, because it's a perfect depiction of Damon's attitude towards apologizing. "I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I need it." Damon thinks that apology isn't really for the victim, it's how the guilty party makes themselves feel better. His apologies are selfish, and he's well aware of that. In most cases, he also thinks that he doesn't deserve to apologize.
Uh, you'll see what I mean with the invitation when I post my story. We just seem to have a very similar idea of Elena's future relationship with her brother :). It's about the way they feel and interact with each other.
Yay for Jeremy and Elena \o/ I can't wait to see it!
Excuse me while I overanalyze teen vampire shows under your fic...
I get what you're saying and it's completely in keeping with Damon's character, but fundamentally I disagree because I believe in repentance and forgiveness, and I don't think the process is complete without a sincere apology and restitution where possible. It is a social more, but it's also, to me, a divine principle.
I don't think it's overanalyzation of a teen vampire show, I think it's a discussion about human behavior :D So it's interesting to me! (But then again, so are teen vampire shows!)
Damon also apologized to Elena after Katherine made Jenna stab herself. So see, he apologizes all over the place :D
P.S. I got your email, thank you!
With Elena, I feel like he's genuinely sorry about certain things, but there are plenty of other times where he won't apologize because he feels he's right; with Bonnie I didn't necessarily get a sorry feeling at all, I got the 'I am right' feeling. He also did it because he knew Stefan would feel guilty if he did it; Damon, not so much.
I do agree that some things are so terrible an apology comes off like spitting on a brush fire. And that plays into Damon's speech about how Stefan doesn't get to feel his guilt, it's his and his alone.
Elena: You know, you could show a little compassion
about Bonnie.
Damon: I know. You're right. Her and her mom must be really hurting right now. Should I send lasagna?
For me, his dickish line about lasagna meant that, in his opinion, an apology was inadequate. Damon doesn't regret what he did. He would've done it again in a blink. But he does recognize just how wrong it was (because "necessary" =/= "right" for him), he takes full responsibility for what he did. That's enough for a sincere apology, and yet he doesn't do it. Because it would be wrong and inadequate. Damon knows that Bonnie doesn't want to hear him apologize, she wants to set him on fire.
I felt like, especially based on what he says to Bonnie in 3x20, that he saw it as the only solution, thus he wasn't sorry about it, and she just needed to be grateful that her mom was still around at all.I agree that Damon thinks he did the only reasonable thing. But Bonnie and Abby are ( ... )
And, yes, I don't think Damon ever does anything on the basis of right or wrong, that's just not how he operates, though one could argue the merit of Elena's life over Abby's.
Maybe 'grateful' is the wrong word--but he does seem to think she should stop being pissy towards him since he did the only thing that could be done. So there is some aspect of him feeling like "get over it, it's done." Maybe he just wants Bonnie's acceptance of the only viable solution.
No apologies, but no continued punishment for crimes, either?
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