Title: Gravity Hurts (4/9)
badboy_fangirlCharacters/Pairings: Jeremy POV; Jeremy + Damon (+ Alaric); Damon/Elena, Stefan/Elena, Jeremy/Bonnie; Elena and Caroline are on hand this round.
Word Count: ~2100
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (for language)
Spoilers: Everything through S3.
Summary: A bromance for the ages.
Author's notes: This fic is derived from
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Jeremy smiles, but Damon waits a beat before he returns it. A grin actually tugs at his mouth as they stare at each other, and Jeremy realizes how little of that has been going on for any of them. "Cool," he says, climbing from the car. "I'll see you later."
"T.T.F.N.," Damon says, waving his hand, his smirk firmly in place.
This is just the best. The. Best. And Damon's ttfn, I was dying.
"Would you like to come in, Elena?" he asks.
She nods, and more tears appear in her eyes. He wraps his arm around her and hugs her anyway. Maybe it's dangerous, maybe it's not, but all that matters is his sister needs him. "It's gonna be okay," he says, squeezing her tight.
BRB, I've got something in my eye.
"To forget," she answers, her tone wistful, her eyes diving into the bottom of the glass just before she throws back the final swallow. "That's why he has to keep drinking, because he has to keep forgetting."
DAMON. Oh. Poor boy. Yay Elena, with her newfound understanding.
"She's a vampire, and she can do whatever the hell she wants, and you and my brother are not going to be the vampire police. Leave her alone."
DAMON! All the feels for him. 'vampire police' snerk
Caroline rolls her eyes and turns back to focus on Elena. "It's not okay to feed from Matt, I don't care if he signed a contract of agreement! You can't do that. We don't do that."
Elena's eyes narrow, and Jeremy sees a side of her that rarely pops out. "Are you mad because I fed on Matt, or because he let me?" His sister knows the answer to that one, and it's almost like watching her prod Caroline's last nerve with a Taser.
Awesome on both sides!
The fight and everyone's reaction to it was in character and well done.
It's not just that Damon loves her; it's that he knows her so well. The inherent understanding between them is just that obvious. Jeremy can see it, like something palpable that stretches between them.
Poor Elena, she's really having a tough time of it. I loved her getting into with Caroline though--all those things they've never said that lie between them, the petty jealousy and the awareness of the petty jealousy...ugh. It was just epic in the moment. I feel like they should get their own sub-fic. Maybe when I finish this, I'll move on to girl-mance fics. ;-)
D + E = OTP!
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