[fic] and here is the tabernacle reconstructed

Jun 17, 2012 20:27

Title: and here is the tabernacle reconstructed
Author: badboy_fangirl
Pairings: Damon POV; Damon/Elena
Word Count: ~3200
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 (sex and violence)
Spoilers: Everything through S3.
Summary: Damon and Elena prank Stefan's car...with disastrous results?
Author's notes: This is because of upupa_epops, and the fact that writing D/E without UST inevitably leads ( Read more... )

tvd, fanfic, damon/elena

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upupa_epops June 18 2012, 08:33:49 UTC
Are you kidding me? This is perfect!!!!!!!

It makes so much sense. That they don't talk about it, that Damon is willing to be whoever she needs him to be, that she's broken, and depressed, and it's all scary. So much pain and misery, what more could I want? Elena figuring herself out and Damon being there, available for her experiments, are my favorite thing EVER!!!

I really need to reconsider the way I present my definition of functional ;). Thank you for writing this!


badboy_fangirl June 18 2012, 17:31:01 UTC
Maybe I just thought you'd want Damon to be more of a drama queen in the moment? But hey, if it works for you, I must be on to something!

But I think I have to write a third piece and that one might be more fluffy...


upupa_epops June 18 2012, 19:02:52 UTC
Oh, but he was a bit of a drama queen :). Just the right amount.

BRING ON THE FLUFF. Honestly? Those last few days, I've been working on a really depressing D/E piece, and I have half a mind to write some fluff myself, just to refresh my brain. Seriously, there's only so much doom, gloom and personal growth a woman can take.


badboy_fangirl June 18 2012, 20:16:56 UTC
Just to give you a flashforward: they will be pranking Meredith's car next :D


upupa_epops June 18 2012, 20:26:24 UTC
Well, third time's a charm ;).

And then Elena should do Damon's car by herself and pretend she didn't.


badboy_fangirl June 18 2012, 20:33:36 UTC
You should get a co-author credit on this, because I had already thought of that, but I was leaving it for a surprise...


upupa_epops June 18 2012, 20:38:58 UTC
All right, this is official now: I am terrible influence XD.


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