Fic meme...

May 30, 2012 11:23

I haven't done anything like this in a while, so I stole this from upupa_epops...not just the meme, but the disclaimer, too. :D

Meme: Come convince me to write you a story by leaving a character/pairing/prompt/pictorial inspiration or just by gushing or giving me details about a story you want me to write. ANY story. As long as I, you know, have written/know the fandom.

Disclaimer: I'm not fishing for prompts. Mostly, I just want you to come and talk to me about your fanfic hankerings, and then we'll all talk about what we like to write, and everything will be beautiful and nothing will hurt. That's my evil plan. I'm not saying I won't write anything , but I'm not promising anything either!


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