Here's what I know, 14 hours post-finale....

May 11, 2012 11:49

♥...if you're CONSUMED, you don't just care about someone. JMHO ( Read more... )


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Comments 17

sun_sign May 11 2012, 19:01:12 UTC
...if you're CONSUMED, you don't just care about someone. JMHO.

AGREED. She is lying about one of these things. (And my DE heart is hoping it's the latter).


upupa_epops May 11 2012, 19:16:13 UTC
Well, if you're trying to let Damon go, "I love you" is the worst possible thing you could say.


badboy_fangirl May 11 2012, 19:21:58 UTC
Yeah, somehow I don't think those are the words he'd be "set free" to....


upupa_epops May 11 2012, 19:25:12 UTC
Exactly. Besides, me being me, I LOVE that D/E is the ship that leaves "I love you" forever unsaid ;).


upupa_epops May 11 2012, 19:14:24 UTC
So you're not going with the vamp!Elena bandwagon? I feel like an idiot now, because, basically, 20 other people are going to write the kind of fic I'm planning to write, but, whatever. It's not like I can NOT write it.

I'm sorry you got jossed :(.


badboy_fangirl May 11 2012, 19:26:31 UTC
Well, I think Vamp!Elena and Human!Damon would be too much DRAMA, you know? So, yeah, I just feel like it won't work with current canon. Maybe next summer? Assuming I'm still a functioning member of the fandom...anyway.

I already have this ficlet half-written in my head with newlyvamp!Elena because I was lying in bed trying to sleep, and they just keep talking to me. But it's not going to be a big fic.

It's really better. I need to work on original writing (not Original writing, see, but original writing) anyway, and this is a good thing. If I ever want to get paid to write, I need to finish my novel.

(Also, I have more thoughts about (500)DoS, and I'll get back to you, just no time yet today.)


upupa_epops May 11 2012, 19:45:17 UTC
Yeah, vamp!Elena and human!Damon wouldn't work. Good luck with your novel!

Frankly, I haven't been expecting to hear about 500 DoS this weekend ;). But I keep thinking about this movie, because I'm trying to outline a bigbang right now, and I'd LOVE to have Tom's huge blackboard on my wall...


rose_marie_rose May 11 2012, 19:18:44 UTC
No, THANK YOU. Your TVD thoughts always make me happy.


dante_kent May 11 2012, 19:28:05 UTC
Oh, Candy. I am consumed by this show. I am pretty much wandering around in a haze, unable to really focus on anything. How have I let it come to this. :\

I will miss your big_bang! But I'm all for ficlet. There are so, so many things to write about based on current canon...and I can't contemplate taking on a single one of them. I will rely on your calmer state of mind to give me any little bit of D/E.

Flisters are great, aren't they? Given how I feel today, I am deeply glad to know there are other people out in the world who get as invested (and consequently devastated) in this show as I do. Sorry I have been unable to provide any comforting and/or insightful comments as of yet. I WILL write (a lot a lot) about this episode. As soon as I don't tense up at the very thought of watching it again. SUCH FANDOM TRAUMA.

In short, keep on keeping on. Your sense of perspective is impressive. Carry on.


shipperjunkie May 11 2012, 19:51:13 UTC
Love your posts! Flailing and bummed-out fangirling ftw. You've helped me process a lot of the show lately. :)


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