So it's that time of year again...

May 01, 2012 14:14

Remember last summer, and all my complaining and that 50,000 word fic I wrote:

Big Bang: 25,000 words. Any Fandom. Any Het Pairing.
Little Bang: 10,000 words. Any Fandom. Any Het Pairing.
Author Sign Up I Artist Sign Up I Beta Sign Up I Cheerleading Sign Up

Author Sign Ups - Open till May 17th, 12:00 PM (NOON) PST
Mandatory Author Checkpoint - July 15th
Artist Claiming of Big Bang Stories - July 20th
Art and Fics Due - August 26th, 11:59 PM (Midnight) PST
Debut Date (DD) - August 31st

FAQ here!

I'm having rumblings again...and there is some interest because I could write a Little Bang (*laughs hysterically* yeah, right). So maybe I just want to ask you all...what you think about this.

I have this plotbunny where Damon is turned human, and all the angst and struggle and all that ensues from it. It's not as fleshed out as my werepire/baby fic from last year, but I suppose if I started letting myself think about it in depth, something would probably come of it. I've sort of been telling myself that I have to see how S3 ends up, and especially if it continues to destroy my will to live, how I might write a Big_Bang as a last hurrah for me and the fandom. Of course, if I'm not as bitter and ragey after this week's episode, it could change everything all over again.

My point is, I haven't read many fics where Damon was human--in fact the only two I can think of off the top of my head is one I wrote where he became human at the end of the fic in a happily-ever-after sort of way, and another one irony_rocks wrote that was Damon/Bonnie, and he was human for a while--so I don't know if there's much interest in that? Because it wouldn't be AU, it would be him becoming human because of a witch's spell or something magical to do with doppelganger blood or something like that. So, yeah, interested? Y/N?

Lay your thoughts upon me!


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